Thursday, May 28, 2020


1.Why Bass?

True story, the suburban 1970s neighborhood that I grew up in, the garage band needed a bass player. So they asked me. 

2.Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit?

Bass gets plenty of credit. Try removing the bass from, say, Whole Lotta Love and see what you’re left with. Or dig the bass drop in Dubstep, or Steve Harris’ gallop, and then there’s reggae. Bass is the hip thrust in sex.
3.What kind of bass do you use? Model , color , year , And why

Anything Fender, unless It’s Gia, then I gotta go with something else. Lately (before the apocalypse) I was playing my Wolf 5 string on gigs (and The Ladder) but all the other Gia/DIM tracks are my 1989 Carvin 5 string fretless (LB 75) with black nylon tape wound strings. I like the contrast that the fretless and nylon strings brings to Gia’s and Katy’s songs. 

4.Tell us about your amplification

Ampeg SVT 3 Pro into an Ampeg 1 15’ cabinet with an Eminence speaker, so you can actually hear the low B.

5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass?

Time, tone, and timbre are totally where it’s at. We all pretty much know what notes we’re going to play, so it comes down to where you place the note in the pocket (time), how you’re producing the note (tone), and the quality of how that note sounds (timbre). 

6.Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string?

I have played 4, 5, and 6 string basses, Champan Stick, Fender six, whatever the music requires. My favorite, my home, so to speak is a fretless 4 string fender jazz bass.

7.Who is your favorite bassist?
Paul Chambers and Slam Stewart (LOL). I can’t name just one. I can name the three “roots” of the electric bass tree that most influenced me. James Jamerson, he gave us all our lexicon, and bridged the gap between Upright and electric. Larry Graham, who established slap on the electric bass, and Jaco Pastorius, who brought it all together.

8. Who is your least favorite bassist?

Adam Clayton

9.Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass?

The bass is the parent of any ensemble. We keep things from getting out of hand, we keep the lid on, so to speak. Consider Carol Kay and her playing in the Wrecking Crew, or Tina Weymouth’s playing with The Talking Heads. Both have fantastic time, tone, and timbre, both carried the music on their shoulders. Like a good parent (mom or dad) does with their kids.

10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with?
Davie 504

11. Bonus question
Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan  which is more ridiculous and why

[do you mean Bobby Dall?]

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


1.What is your name and what band do you play for?
My name is Danny, though some call me Mundi.  I play drums for Reign of Terror in Canberra, Australia.
2.Who made you want to play drums and why?
My great friend and semi-adopted brother Lucas encouraged me to play drums so that I could drum for him in his band.  He called me up to play for the first time in the middle of a gig at a birthday party after his drummer whimsically decided to play guitar instead.  It was fun, but I had no idea what I was doing.  Not long after that, I took drum lessons…

3.When did you get your first kit? Tell us about it…
During my very first drum lesson, my instructor told me that I had achieved what would normally take other students two weeks to learn.  I had a natural rhythm and I just kind of ‘got it’.  After we finished, I went across the road to the music shop and walked out with my very own drum kit: an old Pearl Export.  It is still my one and only kit today.

4.Where your parents supportive of you and your loud / expensive new habit?
My parents were very supportive.  I come from a family of Hot Rodders, so Rock’n Roll was always a big thing in our lives.  They gave me some space in the garage (in among all the tools and car parts) and let me go nuts.  
5.What drum performance on an album is perfection to you?
This is such a hard question to answer.  I’ve never really put so much focus on albums; I’ve always been a random playlist kind of guy.  BUT, there is an album that stands out to me and has inspired me from day 1 to this very day: Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
Everything I love about drumming is on this album.  From that first bit of noise that hits you, you’re met with this tribal spirit that shouts, “This is me! Sepultura!”  Throughout the whole album, the drums are right there, in your face and in your heart, blasting you with this energy.  They never disappear behind the other instruments, but they don’t over-shadow them either; working as one with the music.

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.
It’s an old Pearl Export that I bought second-hand in the year 2000. With a 22” bass drum and 16” floor tom, both tuned down as low as they can before going floppy, a good blast hits you right in the guts.  The toms still have the same Remo skins that have been on there since I brought the kit home and they were worn then too.  I don’t have the heart to replace them, as I love the dirty, old sound they produce.  Like a cigar box guitar, they have a certain character that just wouldn’t be the same.  If the skins don’t split, I don’t replace them.
I’m using an old, rusty, Gibraltar Rock double-kick pedal.  It’s utter crap, but I’ve grown accustomed to the left pedal’s shitty friction.  With everything else going on in my life, I just never had the money to upgrade, but they’ve kept me going this long and they’ve never let me down.
For cymbals, it has Zildjian Z Custom 14” HiHats, Z Custom 19” Medium Crash, A Custom 16” Projection Crash, Paiste Alpha 20” Metal Ride (Slipknot edition), a shitty Kahzan vintage 10” Splash and a big ass Meinl Cowbell.  I used to have an awesome Zildjian 20” Earth Ride, but that was among a number of cymbals I had to sell during hard times.  I loved that ride cymbal.  Nothing else has compared ever since.
7.If you could have a dream kit tell us about it in DETAIL
I’m a modest man.  A matching Pearl Export 22” bass drum, Iron Cobra kick pedals, two more toms, my old Earth Ride cymbal, a big splash cymbal, a big bamboo xylophone and a timpani would complete my dream drum kit.

8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy
In NO particular order:
Bill Ward
Joey Jordison
Dave Lombardo
George Kollias
Gene Hoglan

9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?
Both are great, I’m having fun either way.  Live is where I make the most mistakes and have to force myself to make facial expressions, but it’s where the reality of being a musician really hits you.  Everything you’ve put into your music, all the writing, all the practice, all the gear, all the fans, etc.  You’ve got one chance to get it right, and if you’ve skimped on any of those things, it WILL show in your performance.  I always say I need more practice, and it’s true.  If I practiced to the level I feel I should be, I could make every facial expression, thrash around like Animal from Muppets, throw my sticks around and even do some backup vocals without worrying about screwing anything up (I can’t sing to save myself, but I don’t confessing that I’d like to be able to).  That’s reality right there, I’m not as good as I want to be, and that keeps me on my toes.  I’m still having a lot of fun though and when playing live, I get to share that with everyone; one way or another.
In a studio, you have every chance to get it right and nail every beat, every note; you can re-play, re-record, sample, cut & paste, which is great when you’re recording an album or trying different things, but too much machining can spoil the music. I don’t want to sound like a robot.

10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?
Oh, he knows. 😉 
No no no, my partner is like the female counterpart of me and we make soul mates and fairy tale romances look boring and mediocre.  She’s a former black metal drummer from the Netherlands who’s been on-stage at Wakken in a bikini, and even approaching her 40’s, she still looks no older than 20.  She has the sweetest, kindest heart, a brutally honest tongue and a spirit that holds nothing back.  If that wasn’t enough, she’s qualified to castrate bulls, so I wouldn’t want to piss her off anyway!  She’s more than enough for me. I don’t have eyes for anyone else.  I’m beyond happy.
So when chicks chase me down after a show, Mike jumps in the way and shouts, “No ladies! He is very, very married!”  He puts his body on the line for me every time. Good on ya bro!

Corners of Sanctuary Goes Acoustic with Metal Machine

COS Metal Machine header.jpg

Corners of Sanctuary Goes Acoustic with Metal Machine

Lockdown hasn't slowed the pace as Philly's Corners of Sanctuary (COS) drop their next round of COVID material.  A new version of the title track to band's 2015 album, "Metal Machine," gets an all acoustic makeover as COS released an in-studio performance video via YouTube and Facebook over the recent Memorial Day Weekend.

"Metal Machine" is part of the group's "Quarantined Lockdown" series which was made available for free in April.  "Metal Machine" and several more acoustic song versions to follow, are being hailed as the series' "The Second Wave." COS Quarantined Lockdown.jpg

A free download of “Quarantined Lockdown” can be obtained from the band’s official website by visiting:

Check out “Metal Machine” on Facebook at: 

See “Metal Machine” on YouTube at: 

"We had planned to do our part in the current social media streaming trend," said COS guitarist Mick Michaels.  "We wanted to do something different for us...something the fans would enjoy...acoustic versions of our songs felt appropriate."

The studio set video has three quarters of the band performing from Philadelphia while singer Stacey Lee belts out a very soulful, gritty vocal from his hometown of Chicago, IL.

Doing the acoustic version was fun," said Lee. "It’s nice to strip a Metal song down and just jam."

               COS Metal Machine Video promo 1.jpg

COS looks to release a follow up acoustic track sometime as the summer progresses.  In the meantime, the band is currently finishing up vocal tracks for their forthcoming album, "Heroes Never Die."

"We are definitely making head way to get this album finished," Michaels said. "We are doing what we can to make the most of the performance down time."

Corners of Sanctuary plans to resume live performances once the “stay in place” restrictions are lifted. The band is working on dates for December as well as making plans to return to the UK in early 2021 to support the new album.

Check out Corners of Sanctuary at:

COS welcomes reviews, interviews, and press! 


1.Tell us your name and the band you play for.
 I'm Tavy and I play guitar forCharred Graves.

2.Who made you want to pick up the guitar?
Joe Perry from Aerosmith.
3.Are you self taught or did you take lessons?
I took lessons .

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?
I can read music and tablature .
5.Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone?
Yes, tone is something every guitarist continues to find since it’s a long journey and we seek to find a greater tone every time.

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color ).
I have a signature custom Kiesel 7 string Crescent built to my specifications. Its color is blood red, and it was made in 2020.

7.What about pickups? Passive or active? Tell us about them.
I started on active emgs in the past when I first started. Then moved to Seymour Duncan nazgul passive pick ups in 2015. Now I have Kiesel polarity pickups that are active pickups.

8.Lets get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc.
Engl amps are my go too. Though I am using a Kemper now a days. I have a engl powerball profiler in it. For cabs I use mesa boogie 2x12 and 4x12s with 30 vintage celestial speakers.
9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy
I don’t have a pedal board, but I have a kemper foot switch to change between amps and tune my guitar.

10.Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..
Custom Mesa cabs with a fortin pumpkin king amp.

11.What guitarist can you not stand?
Nick Jonas

12. Is tone more important or is technique?
Technique is more important since all the tone comes from how you play your instrument. Dialing in your settings helps once you know how to play properly.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist.
Angus Young, 
Joe Perry, 
Synyster Gates, 
Dan Sugarman 

14.Who is the most overrated guitarist?
Kirk Hammett 

15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?
Synyster Gates.

BATTERY DRUMMER INTERVIEW : Constantin Tsimis (pronounced sihm-us) / Charred Graves

1.What is your name and what band do you play for?

My name is Constantin Tsimis (pronounced sihm-us). I play for an NJ band called Charred Graves, we come from Bergen county, nj. 

2.Who made you want to play drums and why?

My mom knew I liked music when my school had a string section in music class and I chose to play the violin. I actually experimented with what I wanted to play. So far, I’ve tried the violin, piano, flute, guitar and the trumpet. Until I saw a music video from Ill Nino, I didn’t think of playing the drums. My Dad always supported whatever decision I made that he felt brought out my talents and my Mom always knew that I had a knack for music and instruments so she brought out my musical side and made me realize my potential. The music video was “How Can I Live (Without You)” by Ill Nino. I saw Dave Chavarri’s kit and how Danny Couto was playing a modified drum kit with congas and no bass drum. This made me very interested in the dynamics of the drums and it all started from there. 

3.When did you get your first kit? Tell us about it…

I got my first kit when I was 15. It was a silver Pulse Drums kit including with cymbals made by the same company. I actually knew from the start they were going to sound terrible but I bared it because I didn’t have a job yet or money so I couldn’t complain. I had it for about a year then I sold it to my friend’s dad who brought it back to England with him. I got a feel for playing with the kit and that was about it. Until after I sold that kit, I didn’t think about what type of drums heads, cymbals or even drums to buy next until I got my next kit. 

4.Where your parents supportive of you and your loud / expensive new habit?

My Mom was at first but then as I played more, she became unsupportive of it because it got really loud. My Dad was different. I actually waited until my Mom left the house and then I asked my Dad to drum because he actually didn’t care for the loudness.

5.What drum performance on an album is perfection to you?

As of more recently, I think Alex Bent’s drumming on Trivium’s 2 latest albums are quite up to par what I have in mind for drumming. Travis Smith is also on that level as well. 

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.

As for drums, I have a Pearl Export Kit 2016. It’s Sunburst fade. Originally it came with 14x5.5 snare, 12x9 and 13x10 rack toms, 16x16 floor tom and a 22x18 bass drum. Because I knew the owner of the music store I bought it from because I was friends with his son, he threw in a free small rack tom sized 10x8. I didn’t like the sizing of the 13” tom so I discarded of it and bought a replacement sized 14x11. I also added another floor tom sized 18x16. I prefer and use Evans Drumheads on all my drums. I use DW9000’s for my kicks because they are amazing. I also use a DW9000 hi-hat stand to match my kicks. As for all my other gear, I use Gibraltar. I currently have a double bass drum rack for cymbal placement and tom holding. Its carefully placed so that everything fits within my arm reach. Out of all the cymbals I own, only two have survived over a decade and I still play today. I have all Zildjian cymbals. The two that have survived over a decade are my 14” A Custom Mastersound hi-hats and my 18” A Custom fast crash. My main crash is a 16” A Custom Medium crash. My other cymbals include a 6” A Custom splash, 9.5” K Custom Hybrid splash, 21” A Mega Bell Ride, 10” Oriental China Splash, 17” K Custom Hybrid crash and a 19” K Custom Hybrid China. I want to switch out a cymbal or two to get some better ones and even add some more for tastes and special flavors. 
7.If you could have a dream kit tell us about it in DETAIL 

It would basically be my main kit that I have right now but with some modifications. First, instead of having a Pearl Export Kit, I would love to make a custom shell based off of the Pearl Reference series and how the woods are based on the size of the shell. I would have my drum shells the same they are now except the floor toms would be modified. Instead of having 16x16 and 18x16 floor toms, I would have 16x13 and 18x16. The 14x11 tom then would become 14x10. My fast crash 18” would be replaced by another cymbal of the same size and the 17” hybrid crash will also be replaced by a 16” crash of a different nature. I would add congas and tumbas on the left side of the kit since the right side is filled with floor toms and other cymbals. I would add one more china, probably the 16” Oriental Trash china. I would also add a drum pad or two to make bassdrops and other special effects that can be made by a drumpad. 

8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy

Yea those drummers don’t even make the top of my list. In no particular order, I give these drummers more of a listen and I hone in on their craft when they play live or if I hear their drumming on a song they made: Dave Chavarri/Danny Couto of Ill Nino, Ex-drummer Andolls Herrick of Chimaira, Current drummer Alex Bent of Trivium, Ex-drummer Travis Smith of Trivium and recent Ex-drummer Chris Adler of Lamb of God. 

9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?

I honestly prefer to perform live. In studio is a hassle, everything has to be exact and there is less diversity when playing. Letting loose and playing live to people that move to your music is much better than recording. Although, recording new material is fun, but not as much fun as playing live. 
10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?

Im not into the music to get the chicks, so this aspect doesn’t really matter. This is more of a bonus that goes with the gig. But because drummers sit behind a kit and don’t move from it isn’t all that sexy, while the guitarists are free to roam the stage and “make moves” while playing if they can

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Crowdead - Malphus

Based in a small town near Mantua (Italy), Crowdead was formed in early 2017 from the ashes of local metal bands with the intention of creating extreme music with powerful riffs, intense drum beats and aggressive vocals, along with an old school attitude!


After completing the line-up with the entry of Mike on vocals and Stefano on drums, Crowdead starts touring all over Italy playing several headliner and support concerts, where the band conquers the audience with powerful and furious performances that involve people in scary energy shows.

Check out the video below!

EA "Ea Taesse"

For fans of Triptykon, Intaglio, Revelations Of Rain (Откровения Дождя)

After the last edition on the CD of EA’s magnificent album «Ea Taesse» ended, Solitude Productions came to what audiophiles from around the world had been dreaming of for so long, subdued by their debut work. So, “Ea Taesse” is being released for the first time on vinyl, which has undergone special mastering and has been designed in the form that it was originally seen and planned by musicians.

The first edition will contain a limited number of unique colored vinyls («grey opaque with black and white splatter»), which will not be further printed and which may soon become rarities and an object of search for collectors from all over the world.

Vinyl will be printed in Europe, so shipping costs will be lower for buyers from Europe, and delivery will be much faster. We expect to start shipping in second half of July, but it'll be depend on situation in the world.

Solitude Productions

POWERHOUSE Truth or dare interview

1. Metal Coffee is going to attempt to create an interview that ask questions the others will not ask. First tell us your name, your band name and a social media link we can find your band. Secondly tell us why you joined or started a band and tell us what YOU think you sound like NOT what people say you sound like. 

I’m Niko Valdez, guitars and vocals for POWERHOUSE. 

Facebook : 
Instagram : 

When I formed POWERHOUSE, it was and always has been about wanting to bring something to the table that I felt was lacking in the modern age of metal. Born out of anger, and a vision to succeed really. Our ultimate goal, is to allow people to feel the way we feel about music. 

What to I think we sound like? 
As straightforward as we are, I feel we don’t sound like one particular band. Our major influences are definitely bands like Metallica, Dokken, Exodus and Judas Priest. We’re somewhere in the Thrash and Heavy Metal genre, but not what you’d expect. Take a listen, and you be the judge!
2. What part of being in a band did you not expect? And knowing now what you know what would you have changed before joining or starting a band? 

One thing I didn’t expect, starting POWERHOUSE (Which is technically my first real band), was how difficult it can be to deal music scenes. Music scenes/cliques are so simple, yet extremely complicated. If you have a band and want to fit in, you have to go along with what’s popular amongst the people in that particular group. If you’re different in anyway it really makes you stand out, but sometimes it can work against you. You’ll get bashed, excluded, and treated different than the majority. In POWERHOUSE’s case, we’re very different than what’s around us, so we’ve dealt with all of it. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t change a single thing. It’s been difficult, and we have to work twice as hard to get just a little something.. But there’s something about achieving your goal, on your own terms that’s just so important. What we do is working for us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

3. How long did it take you to figure out that talent has much less to do with things and money had much more to do with things? 

Although money does have a major hold on people’s music career, talent at the right time with the right people, with the right material, with the right attitude is also important. Money does contribute to popularity, but sometimes you find the rare occasion where talent takes all.

4. That being said how many bands out there do you think made it on talent and how many made it on money? 

I think a lot more bands made it on talent, than people give credit it for. Don’t get me wrong, there are an ungodly amount of bands that made it off of money, but when you look at the metal greats it was made on talent. 

5. Do you still believe in good song writing knowing it doesn't really matter?

Good song writing definitely matters, and in my opinion it should be the number one priority for every band. It certainly is for us in POWERHOUSE. You could be the fastest, most technical band out there, but it doesn’t matter on a larger scale if the song itself is below average.
6. Honestly, how does it make you feel knowing there are bands with women who show their t**ts and get big tours and bands with women who don’t and are playing the bars? 

It is what it is, honestly. There’s a market for it. Those bands compared to the “female bands” that don’t do that, won’t make it as much in the long run. As the music in those bands evolve, people start to understand the looks fade. 

7. Why do you think we, including you, are so scared to say our political beliefs? And why are people afraid to say if they don’t like an artist? Is it ok to have different opinions / beliefs and still be united as people? 

Because it’s extremely divisive, and completely polarized now. If it’s against the mainstream narrative, it could really do some damage to people’s “bubble”, and ultimately you’re career. “Cancel Culture”. It should be okay to have different opinions, you don’t have to agree with everyone about everything all the time.. There’s no such thing. 

8. Without a simple question, if you broke a law that could cause you to lose your children would you break it fair or not? 

I don’t have kids, but I’ve seen families torn apart by bad decisions. I wouldn’t do anything to lose those close to me. 

9. Who would you pick to produce your next album and why? Only one catch it has to be a pop star. 
If he was still alive, Michael Jackson. Put the technicalities aside, his ear for music is one of the greatest in my opinion. 

10. Who is your worst nightmare as a tour manager? 

Probably someone who’s just along for the ride, and doesn’t do their job. If the band is doing their job, so should the manager. It’s not all a party, it’s work time. 

11. If everything you did on tour was on video and you had to sit and watch it with your parents and little sister would you watch it or choose to never tour again? 

We haven’t been on our first tour yet, but I’d imagine it’d be pretty intense. I have no clue how to answer that haha. I would watch it, no way I’d give up touring.

12. A lot of people consider Metal as a satanic, drug and alcohol fueled tornado of criminals, in honesty would you feel better playing kids Possessed or Kanye West? And why? 

Definitely Possessed. Although Possessed is extreme, following along could give you an appreciation for metal and music as a whole. 

13. Ok, we believe it is ok to have hatred, you hate someone, we all do, who is it and why do you hate them? 

Hatred really drives people, to accomplish things they wouldn’t normally. For people like myself, a lot of it is internalized. You hate who you were yesterday, so you can be better tomorrow. Fuel to the fire.
14. Your wife’s leg is caught underneath your car after a terrible accident after you grab _______ do you call 911 and try and help her. Now answer that question and replace the word wife with your singer……… 

Of course I’d save her, and with myself being the frontman saving myself would be the ultimate full-circle moment haha.

15. Who are the biggest crooks in the music industry? 

Depends on how you look at it, the biggest crooks could be the record companies, streaming services, YouTube, or if you want a deeper look.. The people who listen to music but don’t pay a dime for it, or pirate absolutely everything. All of these, have some accountability. 

16. Lastly, who are you droppin’ the d with even if you get COVID?

I could give you a lame Drop D joke, but I won’t. Haha, I’d rather suffer than spread it! 



Country: Poland

Release: “Shadows Ov The Past”

Format: Video release

Release date: 26/05/2020

Genre:  Heavy / Black Metal


Discography: “Shadows ov the past” 2019, May 05

Label: IND


Link on video:


The band was created in 2015 in Szczecin.

The band's music's direction is most metal with the influence of heavy metal, thrash, death metal and also in several songs, browse and interfering attention in black metal.

Videoclip “Don't tell Mama” in hard & heavy style.

Fallen Outcast finished part of its recordings and required for ep "shadows ov the past" and also a new video clip for this song.
The band has toured not only in Poland but also in Germany. Unfortunately, the situation with COVID-19 changed plans for the April tour and was postponed to 2021.



Dariusz Michalski - Vocals, Guitars (lead)

Tadek Nowak - Bass, Vocals (backing)

Przemek Tarkowski – Drums



Monday, May 25, 2020

On this episode of An Old School Album Review we're discussing the Tulsa, Oklahoma band CARCINOGEN DAILY. By Jeremy Amack

On this episode of An Old School Album Review we're discussing the Tulsa, Oklahoma band CARCINOGEN DAILY. 

We asked our normal questions prior to the review,  here's what they had to say:

"Ben Knievel here from Carcinogen Daily. We would like to thank Mr. Amack for chatting with us, and reviewing our Newest Single " Sterilized".

  - We play in C standard or drop A# depending on the song.
 Sterilized is played in C standard. 
Bands you have played with?
 - We have had the honor to share the stage with a number of great Oklahoma and regional bands such as Grass Giant, Devil Theory, Haggardz Hellraizerz, Arjuna, Dope Patrol, She The Serpent, 6th Gear, Witch Sister, Self Inflicted, Destro, Spooky Fruit, Iron Cathedral, Machine In The Mountain, Garrett Heck, MuddFlux, Follow The Buzzardz, Lady Sin, Razorwire Halo, Constant Peril, Inere, & Agentz of Khaos to name a few.
Major accomplishments?
- We are extremely proud of our 2 EPs and music videos.
Plans for 2020?
- We are planning on recording more music, shooting another music video, and playing some more shows in 2020."


Starts out really awesome I dig the sirens and warnings..
The video is really good..
Pretty accurate lyrics for today's world..
A solid groove song played perfectly..
They get a lot of sound with their tunings.

We went ahead and reviewed 3 more songs from CARCINOGEN DAILY you can check out here:


Kewl video..
Very slick vocals, starts out slow and sludgy but it has such a good vibe and some great riffs..
Clocks in at just under 9 minutes so there's a lot of different turns on this ride.


I really like the production of this video, it has a slow Groove to the background and a nice little solo to start the song..
The vocals match the guitar tones so well..
Good hook..
Suddenly switches gears..
It's hard to compare them to any other band their music is just kind of all their own.


Love how this song starts out..
A really solid groove on this one as well..
Really enjoyed how the vocals are presented..
The guitars are really in tune with a solid riff sequence, and the drums match that perfectly.

This was a really fun review from a very sludgy band with a heavy sound all to their own.

For all things CARCINOGEN DAILY please follow them here:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Radio Station of the week : Kimmi and The Metal Deli serve up the rock! By JMack

1.) How long have you been on the air and where are you located?
Can you describe your first broadcast. 

I've been on the air for ten years and I'm located in Chicago. I hadn't really learned to use the software -- I had only watched over someone's shoulder twice as he used it, so I sat down to do my first show totally blind. I figured the worst that could happen was I could totally screw it up. At that time The Metal Deli was only one hour and it took me about 8 hours to do it. In the ten years since I have gone to a 2-hour format and it only takes 4 hours, so I think that's a pretty good growth!  The first show turned out great (in my humble opinion) -- for a first show -- and I was so excited to do the next one!

2.) What's your favorite part of hosting a radio show?

Letting the show take me away.   Seriously -- after my intro music I usually do a short monologue. That monologue starts my "feel" for the show and that's the vibe the show follows. That moment when I get into that vibe and realize how the show is going to go -- it's an amazing feeling. Of course I have a little plan for how the show will go but if it changes in the monologue I go with that over my plan.   

3.) Can you tell us about some bands that you have played as "underground" that went really big?  

 LOL.....  No.  :)   Define "really big".   Fozzy, Chris Jericho is a wrestler, actor, podcaster, etc. has been on my show.  But only once or twice.   

4.) What are you looking for in new music?

I love when a band is SO different that it makes me listen once or twice or three times almost in disbelief. I want different, new, out of the box. That kind of music is always hard for audiences to accept but it's also what gets attention.

5.) What's your average audience?

 I honestly have no clue.   I think all that info was lost when my domain name expired and I lost it. 

6.) What's your plans for the future? 

I'm SO excited -- I just announced that within the next two months I will be debuting The Metal Deli LIVE and IN YOUR FACE --  a video version of The Metal Deli, featuring underground and independent metal band's VIDEOS. For now it will be twice a month and about one hour. This idea has been in the back of my mind for a long time so finally being able to go ahead with it is just incredibly cool. Since I ad lib everything it will be a little different with the camera catching me but I'm up for the challenge. The shows will be available to watch both on my website and youtube and hopefully other places, just not sure where yet. It's really ALL NEW to me.  I have a nephew majoring in film so he's going to be helping me.  

7.) Can you describe to us your relationship with Wes of Metal Coffee PR?

8.) Can you tell us a funny / interesting story about your radio station.

Oh I could tell you TONS. My favorite is about the band Snew, from Los Angeles.  They were the first band I had interviewed ever. What I had been unprepared for was how funny they are.  The interview was an hour long and in that hour they did not answer one single question. Not one. They just made jokes back and forth and I laughed the entire time. I think it was about halfway through I stopped trying to get the interview under control and let them have total freedom and just hilariousness all around. But that's not the best part. The best part was about a year or two later. Snew was playing in Janesville, WI, the closest to me they would ever play. I was supposed to go but broke my right ankle and couldn't make the drive. So that night I'm sitting at home and Curtis Don Vito, the lead singer, calls and he says, "Hey, there's no way we could be this close and not see you, so we're coming over. We're going to cook you dinner!"  I didn't even know what to say!  This wasn't in the podcast rules book!  :)  Mark Ohrenberger, the drummer, had recently gone fishing in Lake Michigan and caught a ton of fish, so the whole band was coming to cook me a fish dinner. The fish, a huge salad and I forget what else. They got there, sat me down in the kitchen and wouldn't let me help at all. Dinner was amazing, they guys were hilarious and SO sweet and we had a great time. None of my family was home so I called my next-door neighbor to have him come take a picture. I was SO sad when the guys had to hit the road. Such an amazing experience. Snew rocks -- all of the guys are amazing.

9.)  How do bands submit their music to you?