Wednesday, October 9, 2019

EARTHBOUND New EP Interview ! We grilled the metal crew about their new EP:

Brit melodic death metallers EARTHBOUND  will unveil their much-anticipated sophomore EP, Desolate, on Friday 11th October. The explosive riff merchants have also just revealed a new track, Of Suffering We grilled the metal crew about their new EP:

We grilled the metal crew about their new EP:

1.Thanks for taking the time to talk to The Grinder! You have a new album / EP out, Tell us about it!

It's a 4 track EP we recorded in March 2019. Conceptually it deals with loss and the end of things, so it feels quite dark in places. It also features our [musically] heaviest material.

2.Where was it recorded? Is all the material new?

We recorded at Avenue Studios with Dan Kerr and yep it's all new material!

3.What is the biggest difference between your last release and the new one?

Probably the production quality and overall weight of the songs. We produced our first EP ourselves and we didn't really know what we were doing!

4.Are you signed to a label? If so which one and how did they help or support the process?

We are not, we are totally self funded and distributed.

5.What has been going on with the band between albums and releases? Did you tour?

We played a fair amount of gigs including Bloodstock Festival, supporting King Leviathan on their penultimate show as well as a string of dates with our good friends Helgrind.

6.Do you have any new members?

Our guitarist John is kind of new? We brought him on about this time last year.

7.Who produced the new record and how did they effect it?

Dan Kerr, he really just streamlined the whole process and made it very quick and easy to get all we wanted down on track. Without compromising on quality of course.

8.Some like to record naked or in the dark with candles…. Did you have any strange studio practices?

We like to record with 2 (two) miniature dachshunds (no less).

9.Of course tell us where to pick up your record and how to learn more about you.

It's available in all the usual streaming places and we will be selling physical copies. Get in touch if you want one!

10.What are your plans for the release?

We love the music and are super happy with how it turned out so just want as many people as possible to listen to it (and hopefully enjoy it as much as we do!)

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