Thursday, October 10, 2019


1.Tell us in a few words why you think people should listen to you over the thousands of bands out there.

 There are so many bands out there these days. We strive to work harder and put out more material than many others. We love the work. We are also unique. With elements of black metal, nu metal, death and thrash. All wrapped up it making sure the songs are epic and have big releases. Even our Artwork is designed to not fit into cookie cutter efforts.

2. Name 3 bands you think your music is comparable to

 Machine Head, Avatar and Gojira

3.Tell us about your latest release, how do you describe it and where can we purchase it?

It is called “Hindsight is 20/20” and it comes out 1-1-2020. It has some of the darkest textures to date while also having more experimentation than the past.

4.Do you have any video’s and where can we see them? Do you think video’s are important any longer?

 We do have many videos on YouTube.
5. As a PR agent I am going to tell you forthright, It is expensive to make it in the music industry and it is unfair because a lot of great talent gets left behind. How far are you willing to go? How much are you willing to lose to climb this mountain?

That is a tough but, a great question. If you could see our equipment, live show, albums, videos and everything we do and spend to make each and every step further no matter how minor of a step it is. Then, perhaps you could see that we are very serious.

6.At one time you could believe that your music was enough , Your live show was enough. Now that you know the reality of the music business what would YOU change to make it more fair to the artist?

Honestly, that it wasn’t so easy to listen to any song you want at anytime at the click of a mouse for free. However, this is a two headed dragon because, on the other hand, who would pay hard earned money for music from a band they’ve never heard of before?

7.You've spent tons of money on gear , spent thousands of hours rehearsing and putting everything into your dream. What level of success will you consider “ making it”?

 That it becomes our jobs. We don’t care about being rich and famous and have no false delusions of that even happening. We just want to work and make it our careers.

8. Have you been on the road? Would you like to tour? And with who?

 We’ve never toured but, we have played a lot of shows. If the logistics are right for us, yes, we would like to be on the road with anybody that aren’t jerks to work with.
     *even katy perry?

9.You get 5 members build your dream band and go.

That is hard to narrow down to 5 because each of the members are only part of the whole band they are in. Takin them out of their element seems counterproductive. We like bands and their music more-so than its parts.

10.Who would you not throw under the bus for fame?

We wouldn’t throw anybody under a bus. We don’t want fame that way.

*metal coffee bus will throw bofo kwo under

11.Do you know about the business side of music? Do you think the business side or the entertainment side is more important?

We know a bit about the business. But, We are always learning new things. The business side is equally as important as the entertainment side. One would be obsolete without the other.

12.What is it about your live show that will make a person remember you?


 We are engaging, active and energetic with good music we feel.

13.Your girlfriend , Your family , Your friends are all going to lie to you and tell you that you are awesome, its just how the game works. So who do you trust to tell you the truth?

Considering you already eliminated everybody we would know, I would have to say, “strangers”?

14.What constitutes kicking a member out of a band?

No call, no shows are a hard one to get over

15.How do you feel about political beliefs inside the band?What if one of your members wanted to wear a pro trump shirt live?

 The same way we treat political matters with the public. We don’t make political comments as it can only draw lines in the sand that has nothing to do with our music.

16. There are a number of bands and artist out there who are gay or lgbt,
Would you support one of your members changing gender?

 We don’t care about sexual preference. What does this have to do with music? People should be and do whatever they want.

17.Many people consider metal music and metal fans to be racist
Share your opinions, including would you allow racism in your band if the member was talented enough?

None of our members are racist. So, fortunately, we don’t have to deal with that. Nothing good comes from racism

18.I am pushing boundaries for a reason, rock n roll is rebellion sex and drugs but things have changed will you stay true to yourself even if it means leaving the band and giving up your dreams?

Fortunately, we don’t have to deal with that either. It’s not a party for us. We all stay true to who we are.

19.Lets lighten up, If you could get on stage with any band who would it be?

20.I want you to say something you know will be controversial that you are willing to stand up for.

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