Wednesday, July 18, 2018


1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members. 

MAGOTH: Magoth was formed in 2011 by frontman Heergott. The intention to express all negative emotions accentuated by qualitative and profound black metal led to the creation of six songs. These songs were recorded in a studio but not published back then. The main priority was to gather a lineup of brothers in spirit who could tangibly convey the music live. The following joining of Shagnar, Widrir and Havoc laid the foundations for Magoth as a band. The synergy of our characters unveiled and inspired the actual potential of Magoth’s sound; the former intention is now jointly celebrated.
We have known each other for a long time and in part we also have been playing together in other bands. But Magoth is the most important and excessive chapter of our history. It’s filled with our hearts blood.

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

MAGOTH: According to writings by Abraham von Worms from the 15th century, Magoth is a planet spirit that subordinates under Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. Thus the name describes exactly the intention behind our works; the alliance of forces and the view on human ado from the perspective of an outside observer. Contrary to expectations Magoth is not a wicked demon. He acts as part of the mystical world. In the same way we fulfill our part in this world.

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

MAGOTH: Magoth is located in Bonn, Germany. There’s a local metal scene, but especially the black metal scene is rather short and exclusive. We know quite a few bands but a lot of them unfortunately appear to sink in their rehearsal rooms. In addition a lot of bands have split up. It seems like the local scene is slowly dying out. Not least because of the closure of several iconic locations like the “Klangstation”. The newer clubs around here have no honest spirit, also they’re rather commercially orientated. But we remain undeterred by this matter and keep going our way. 
Highly recommended is the band “Fyrnask”, originated in Bonn. Especially their album “Forn” captivates due to its rough and experimental touch as well as an atmospheric balance. For all those who appreciate deep black metal.

4. How would you describe your style? 

MAGOTH: Anti Terrestrial Black Metal! We move offside the common complex of themes in black metal and focus on the big picture. Nowadays there is far more than just christianity which is to be opposed. Humans worship new gods. And the indoctrination into rigid patterns of thinking is no longer carried out in a violent way but inconspicuous and destructive as well. The message is now directed to the mental laziness of man. Magoth questions those patterns and holds a mirror up to dogmatists. We use knowledge as protest. For believing means stagnating.

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

MAGOTH: Our first release was a demo player with the title “Der Toten Gesang” in April 2016. It was a foretaste of our upcoming full length player and the first era of Magoth. In June 2017 we eventually released our debut “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”. It attained a lot of recognition, also internationally, and the first edition was sold out within eleven weeks. 
What our fans can be expecting is an excessive trip through the spheres of black metal. 
Our works are an intensive sound experience, that cast a spell over the listener as he accomplishes this journey. With our music we are creating a space in which all the negative can be invoked and personally digested, in freedom and without any taboos. Some fans told us they even got into trance-like states while hearing “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”. 

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

MAGOTH: We’re working on the next era of Magoth. The recording sessions at Liquid Aether Audio are going fine. And the artwork will once more be created by Gragoth from Lucerium War Graphics. 
While the current era – Anti Terrestrial Black Metal – is focusing the finding of ourselves and the band, the next era will show noticeably that Magoth has chosen its place in this world.

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

MAGOTH: Playing live is an essential part of Magoth. Here the band’s spirit reaches its peak, the sound’s intensity is being maximized.
There are only a few options left to witness the celebration of the whole work “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” live: on 4 august at “Schlichtenfest Open Air” in Ottobeuren and on 31 august at “Armageddon of Decibels Festival” in Pilsen (CZ). After that we will exclusively introduce the second era of Magoth: shows already confirmed are on 9 november in Bonn, on 7 december in Oberhausen and on 8 december at “Zeremonie der Schatten V” in Hofheim.

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

MAGOTH: Continuing to give an appropriate face to world's absurdity. 

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

MAGOTH: You can listen to Magoth’s entire album “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” at our homepage ( and on Bandcamp ( – with the additional option to get merchandise by Magoth. Furthermore you can find us on Facebook (, Youtube ( and Soundcloud ( Digital album distribution of the takes place via all common providers.

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

MAGOTH: Black metal in general is no socially compatible music.

Think for yourself. Question authority. Stay blasphemous!

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