Monday, July 2, 2018


1. Please tell us about the about the band and its members.

Firesphere is a concept show band. Combining industrial metal/rock with a dash of techno and a large part cinematic soundtrack, we feel like we have come up with a new and different sound. There is some familiarity which will pull the listener in but, beyond that, it’s totally unique in sound. Firesphere is based on the Japanese model of big music and big visuals. Someone attending a show will be in for a treat. They will not see a group of guys in jeans and t-shirts playing a set of songs. Instead, they will get an entertaining and exciting show with lots of visuals and, of course, great music. The members of the band are comprised of Priest on vocals, Rosemary Butterfly on vocals, Blacksmith on guitar, Asmodeus Stone on bass and Mason on drums. Each member is a specific character with their own full backstory. Your readers will have to go to the website to check out the backstories but, I will say, they’re very interesting. 

2. Who does the majority of the writing? Is it a group thing or does someone handle the writing duties?

Pretty much all songs were and are written by Priest and Rosemary. Rosemary is a composer for TV and films so, she brings the big orchestrated ingredient to the music. Priest is a straight up traditional metal head so, he brings the rock/metal to the table with his writing style. Together, they create Firesphere-ized music. 

3. Where is the band based out of? Where did you want to the band to end up? What was the dream city to have as your home base once you got out of your scene?

We are primarily an Orlando, Florida based band. I would say that the band is where it’s supposed to be for now but, Priest and Rosemary would love to be in Germany someday.

4. What is your genre? What bands do you use to explain to people what you sound like?

It’s really tough to put Firesphere into a particular genre or nitch. We don’t really sound like anyone else. We incorporate elements of a lot of different styles and textures so, it’s impossible to put us in a specific box musically speaking. I think people may hear dashes of Kamelot, Rammstein, Queensryche, Ghost and other prog-rock bands.

5. Can we buy anything from you Cd's shirts etc and where can we buy them?

We have a number of things we sell at our shows, like t-shirts, jewelry, stickers, etc. One day, when we have the finances, we would like to have a number of merchandize available but, alas, it all costs money.

6. Do you have studio time lined up anything new coming soon?

Right now, we are finishing up writing songs for the next CD. Once Priest and Rosemary are done they send the finished tunes to the other members for them to work on their parts then, we’ll begin recording.

7. Have you ever been on tour? If so where and with who?

Unfortunately, no. Again, there is a huge cost that goes with touring. Our management team is in the process of putting together a mini tour here in Florida so, that’s a start.

8. What is your favorite band? Who are the bands who influenced you?

Like I said, Priest is a metal head and is influenced by a number of artists. Queensryche, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Kamelot, Rammstein and older classic rock bands like Styx, ELO and Queen. Rosemary really has no influences which is probably why here writing is so unique. What she writes is 100% here.

9. Do you have a website? And do I have to verify that I am 18 to enter it?

Yes. No, it’s appropriate for all ages. Nothing X rated there. 

10. What about your music do you want people to remember? What is the quality you want to hit people when they hit play?

I think the quality of the song writing first and foremost. Then the ability of all the musicians in the band. They’re all outstanding musicians. Finally, the productions of the CD. We had a shoestring budget and still got a fantastic sounding CD. 

11. Name a person who is integral to your band that nobody knows about what person drives your band like they are part of the band? Who is the extra member?

Definitely Bill Stanley. He is kind of our stage manager. He runs the entirety of our visual show. Without him, we would be hard pressed to pull off the video production and other stage effects going on. He is considered a member of the band, kind of like the fifth Beatle as it were.

12. Tell nerds like me tell us about your live rig and equipment.

Wow, that one is difficult since I’m the vocalist. LOL I know that the members have really good professional equipment. I’ll have to get back to you on this one.

13.What is your musical guilty pleasure that you are ashamed of?

Personally (this is Priest by the way), my guilty pleasure is epic and mood music. I listen           to it all the time. Also, I must admit, I like Neil Diamond, Yani and John Tesh. Damn, did I just admit that?  LOL

14.If you could custom build a band who would be the members?

Well vocally, it’s me and Rosemary so, no changes there. Guitar wise, I’d get a guy named Marc Vandenburg from Germany. He is an incredible guitarist hands down. Well, he’s as good as Blacksmith which, for me, is a gauge when it comes to guitar players. Drum wise, Neil Pert of course. Bass player, Paul McCartney. Is that weird or what? LOL

15.Message to the fans? What is it?

If your tired of the same old stuff that’s hammered on the radio, if your bored with what passes for popular music now days and you want something new and exciting then, give Firesphere a listen. If you want to enjoy a show that keeps you entertained for an hour, instead of a bunch of guys in jeans (or shorts) and t-shirts just running thru a set of songs, check out a Firesphere concert. You’ll get a CONCERT. 

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