Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Minatox 69- Nothing New Under The Sun THE GRINDER INTERVIEW

Thanks for taking the time to talk to The Grinder! You have a new album out, Tell us about it!

1. yess, we have recorded our official full length COLLAPSE in March 2020, we finished that just one week before Covid19 lockdown. Has been a very cool experience that push out the best of all of Us. We have recorder in 10 days in full time recording days and we really had fun. 

Where was it recorded? Is all the material new?

2. The Album has been recorded close to our home in Bassano del Grappa (1 hour from Venice). We are used to play there. . It’s our music room and fortunally is also one of the best studio North Italy where normally play other professional Artist from Rock, Hiphop and Electric/Techno music. 

What is the biggest difference between your last release and the new one? 

3. Our previous work as been an EP, named ZERO; we have recorded it last year 2019! 

This EP have a good idea about music style and one song has literally exploded in locals and north Europe Radio Stations and from this episode we decided that we would have record an official full length with a professional sound, lyrics and music parts.
This is the main difference, we have changed the mental approach going to professional . . but the ideas of music is similar! 

Are you signed to a label? , If so which one and how did they help or support the process?

4. We have no Label. We are looking for some good Label  that really believe in our projects and music style.

What has been going on with the band between albums? Did you tour?

5. Yes!! We started writing this new Album COLLAPSE st the beginning of 2019 and we have been inspired looking and speaking with some band we have played with..just to share ideas and points of views.
We have toured in Ukraine with Sepultura for the Machine Messiah Tour, we played with Lacuna Coil at Zaxidfest and gigs around North Italy, we play with Cripple Bastards (grind legends).

Do you have any new members?

6. No we are still the same 

Who produced the new album and how did they effect the album?

7. COLLAPSE has been produced by Stefano Orchi Santi!  A very cool and illuminated metal guy!! He is from Milan and he worked with big band like Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation, Cripple Bastard, etc. . 

Some like to record naked or in the dark with candles , Did you have any strange studio practices?

8. No at the moment we don’t have nay ritual, just some some weed and take it relax:)

Of course tell us where to pick up your album and how to learn more about you.

9. The album is coming in June and you can find in Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Bandcamp, Youtube.
You can follow us in our Social like FB/minatox69 and Instagram/minatox69.bassano

What is your plans now that the new album is out?

10. We were scheduling tour and gigs but global situation regarding Covid19 is very bad and sad. We were working with a huge american tour from the west to the east coast with a huge american Band... We can’t say more. In this moment we can only play music in our studio and cross the fingers that everything is gonna be all right.

The song is a social criticism of modern society and its mode of operation on a global scale, making countries work together like parts of a big clockwork and transforming citizens in numbers, therefore depersonalizing and dehumanizing their existence.
Continuous both cultural and technological transformations don't lead to any changes whatsoever, giving the impression that everything changes so that everything can remain as it is. The only hope for a real change can be found in the understanding of human nature, as humanity is both victim and creator of this self-constructed prison which lays its foundations on a very deep human impulse, greed.

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