Sunday, September 13, 2020


 1. First off thank you for taking the time to speak to the metal times.

please tell us your name and what you do for a living. 

Mindy Jackson. I'm a musician, model, burlesque dance, and radio DJ

2. So obviously this is an interview regarding tattoos, let's talk about your art and why it is important to you.

Each tattoo is from a point in my life and tells a story about who I am. 

3. What made you want to get a tattoo? And how many people told you not to do it? And did it make you think twice?

Everyone told me I'd regret it. I love the aesthetic and it never made me think twice. 

5. What was your first piece? how did you pick it out and was it done professionally(where) or underground? (where)

It was a clock. I wanted it to remind how short life is. I had it done professionally.


6.were you scared about the pain or the consequences more? Neither. I live fearlessly. 

7. How has your art hurt or helped your career or has it hindered anything that made you wish you didn’t have it? It just helps me fit the part in all of my jobs. 

8. Are you about a story with your pieces or are you just into cool art? In other words, does your skin tell a story

Every single tattoo has a story about my life. 

9. Is any of it about extremity pain/pleasure or is it more expression

Both. There's no pleasure without pain

10. Is there an end game? When do you think you will be finished. 

Not until everything is covered lol

11. What is your number one favorite tattoo and why?

The song bird on my chest. It was drawn by my favorite vocalist just for me

12. How do you feel about getting a partner’s name or initials? Is the curse real?

Its just not for me. I don't judge either way

13. Do you have and if so are you willing to admit you have a barbed wire band tat? 

I do not

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