Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Keys Interview: Josh Hopper for Septarian

 1.I just have to ask why keyboards?

It was my first instrument it has always fascinated me.  

2.When you started playing keys was it your intent to join a metal / rock band?

No it was not I started playing keyboards first in a reggae band.  

3.Who are your influences?

 It is hard to narrow down, a little bit of everything I listen to has an influence somewhere.  

4.Do you know who Jon Lord is without using Google?

. Nope never heard of him  

5.What do you do visually to enhance your presence?

Nothing I like to be heard  

6.Why do you think keyboard players in metal get so little recognition?

Not really sure I never really thought about it  

7.Did you start on a piano? And what age did you start

 No I started on a cheap little toy keyboard I got for Christmas one year when I was about six years old and I stuck with it over the years.  

8.Its one thing to serenade with a guitar, do you have a serenade story you'd like to share?

No, not really.  

9.In line with the last question keyboards are often looked at as romantic are you romantic when

you play or are there visions of the Phantom of The Opera ( the scary 30’s one) in your head?

Neither Lol.  

10.Convince me keyboards are cool because you're facing a large audience who begs to differ.

Change our minds

Come to a show and I’ll show you how fucking awesome  I am 😘. 

1 comment:

  1. Stacey Dawn your fake also steal everyone work and credit yourself on the published piece or you are sucking wes dick
