Sunday, December 8, 2019


1.Thanks for taking the time to talk to The Grinder! You have a new album out, Tell us about it!

Hey thanks for talking to us, Yeah we have our new album Damned in endless night, its been out a little while  now  and we are very proud of it. We worked very hard to make it the beast that it is!

2.Where was it recorded? Is all the material new?

 Yeah all brand new material, ten tracks in total, we recorded it at what was Skyhammer Studio (Former studio owned by John from Conan) it was the second time we recorded there, after the first experience of recording there  it was a no brainer to return to record this album.

3.What is the biggest difference between your last release and the new one?

 I suppose the biggest difference is its lot more carefully thought out, we wanted to really make use of us having three guitars and the dynamic range that that could offer either through harmonys or building a landscape of sound besides and including all out sledgehammer heaviness, it just seems to sound like the next progression for us and that actually came very naturally.

4.Are you signed to a label? , If so which one and how did they help or support the process?

Yes we are, We are signed to Trancending Obscurity records, a great label doing some really cool things and have a great roster of bands. They have been really good to us since re releasing our previous ep Scars of Aeons, they believe in what we do and fully supported this album once they had heard the early mixes and as a result have put the album out in all sorts of formats, cd, cd boxset, digital, and much to our delight on double vinyl.

5.What has been going on with the band between albums? Did you tour?

Well since the release of SOA, we had lost our original vocalist Kane Nelson and gained a new one in the form of long time freind of the band Martyn Grant. He helped us to finish off any live commitments we had for that ep  and was there from the start of the writing process of DIEN. So yes we did a tour back in the summer as kind of a pre build up to this album.

 6.Do you have any new members?

Only Martyn but hes been with us for quite some time now ha.

7.Who produced the new album and how did they effect the album?

 Chris Feilding (Conan) did the producing and the whole recording apart from mastering. Chris is a great guy to work with and has one of the sharpest ears in the business, he really knows how to get the best out of your performance and strives for perfection.This is more than evident in all of his work including ours, as long as he is happy to work with us i think we will always work with him in the future.

Some like to record naked or in the dark with candles , Did you have any strange studio practices?

Ha ha no apart from having a good supply of cold beers for after we have finished our individual parts, we are just focused on what we are there to do, weve done shit in the past like necking hot sauce before a take but it doesnt get you any better results ,so just focus and do the best you can

Of course tell us where to pick up your album and how to learn more about you.

You can get it from the Trancending Obscurity store and band camp page, from us at shows, its on Spotify and all the usual platforms. 

.What is your plans now that the new album is out?

10 .2020 is all about playing this stuff live. so stay tuned for announments of where we will be playing !!!

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