Thursday, July 2, 2020


The Pokey Bones Radio Show 
Rock Rage Radio 

How long have you been on the air and can describe to us your first broadcast?

1. A little over 2 years. The best way to describe my first broadcast was a wild and crazy experiment, because I really had little to no idea what I was doing. Luckily I had listened to the radio before so I kind of figured it out pretty quick. It turns out I actually have a knack for editing and engineering a pretty fluid, entertaining show. Go figure, right? I honestly attribute it to years of video game playing. It's my new video game. 

What's your favorite part of hosting a radio show?

2. If it wasn't for the thanks and appreciation that I get from independent bands for helping promote their music, it'd be a hard choice, but I would have to say definitely helping bands be heard on a world wide platform with the hopes of chasing their dreams. Plus it's fun being in control of the radio dial. 
Can you tell us some bands that you played as "underground" that went really big?

3. I would sooner prefer to tell you about bands that I play who are underground who deserve to go really big. And while that list is extremely long, I will choose one from my home state and go with 3 Minutes to Live out of Nashville. Their album "Strike the Shepherd" is phenomenal beginning to end and their live shows are pretty epic. A definite honorable mention would have to say Seasons out of Richnond, VA.  They show up to entertain and they are consistently pumping out new music that rivals their previous awesome release. They're like a locomotive that hopefully can't be stopped. I have gathered tons of interview stories from some huge bands who honestly should be a lot smaller, but we won't discuss that. 

What are you looking for new music?

4. First and foremost, it must kick ass. And secondly, but equally as important,  it must be a self-produced, professional quality recording. One without the other just won't cut it. I definitely try to look beyond my own taste in music because I know everyone's not as into industrial metal as I am, but my taste is pretty eclectic and I have a lot of music appreciation even if its not my specific cup of tea. 

What's your average audience size?

5. I refuse to keep track of the numbers. I believe when bands and on air personalities focus too much on the numbers, their product and performance easily slip and degrade. Whether it be the case of only one listener or fan, so you quit trying, or it's one million listeners or fans and you stop trying as hard. So I can't tell you how many people hear my show on a weekly basis, but I can tell you the ones who do laugh, rock out and are thoroughly entertained.  

What's your plans for the future?

6. The most immediate plan is to expand my show into a podcast, with the hopes of possibly one day finding investors who would be willing to finance me traveling to local venues across the country and possibly the globe bringing ample exposure to some of those hidden and amazing bands who deserve it so much. But from week to week you can always count on new interviews, talks and even roundtable discussions from a diverse collection of guests, some of which might shock you. 

Can you tell us a funny or interesting story about you radio station?

8. While I can think of a lot of funny stories, some of which are not appropriate for almost any audience, I think one of the most interesting things is the collection of people who make up our team. This group of misfits comes from many different backgrounds and walks of life, and are located around the world. Thats why our slogan and known hashtag is #weReverywhere.

9. Fitting with my true personality, I do love to talk, and fitting with the interviewer part of my true personality, I always like to hear what questions other interviewers ask. I've actually been interviewed a few times and it's always an honor to be asked. So, thank you Metal Coffee. 

How do bands submit their music to you for airplay?

10. It's as simple as sending an mp3 to And if you think your song has what it takes to be especially epic, include a short bio and I may throw out an extended intro/shout out. 

Thanks again for your interest in interviewing me. Hopefully I covered everything ok, and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact me. 

Chris Jones
Pokey Bones
On Air Personality/ Photographer 
The Pokey Bones Radio Show 
Pokey Bones Productions
Rock Rage Radio

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