Thursday, July 23, 2020


1.Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for
Jeb, I am the clean vocalist for Dying Oath

2.What / Who made you want to sing?

I believe that music is an essential part of life, that I want to express in my own personal way

3.Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

Tyler Carter from Issues.
4.Many people say heavy music is just screaming, How would you combat that statement?

Metal is a genre that takes just a little bit more investigation to find a deeper meaning

5.If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

Currently I do not scream, but after an intense show I like to rest my vocals with a lot of hydration and not a lot of conversation.

6. Do you have a warm up routine? Tell us bout it.

Breathing exorcises and a pep talk from my partner on stage
7. Do you think power or performance is more important?

Both are very important you wanna make sure you give a great performance, but to give a great performance you have to have some power in it

8. Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit?

I believe in every genre there are people and artist who try to do as little as possible to get far, on the flip side I believe that there are a lot of people that try their hardest and get little reward

9.Name your top 5 vocalist

Chester Bennington,
Serj Tankian,
Brendon Urie, 
Amy Lee, 
Buddy Nielsen

10.Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette?
 Just testing your skills here

Micheal Buble, I don’t know who the other one is

11.Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?

Die Antwood
12.If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be?

Couldn’t tell ya

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