Saturday, November 23, 2019


1.Tell us your name and the band you play for

My name is Kevin Walker and I play for the VA based band UNKNOWN. You can find us at 

2.Who made you want to pick up the guitar

When I was a kid I had a close friend, Aaron that was like an older brother. After we got turned on to Black Sabbath, he started playing guitar. So naturally wanting to be just like him, I picked it up shortly after!

3.Are you self taught or did you take lessons?

My pops had me take about a month of lessons but they didnt take. The dude teaching had me learning stuff like "mary had a little lamb" and shit. Being far too impatient for doing it the long way, I just started playing along with my Metallica and sabbath albums and had it figured out in no time.

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?

From those early lessons I had, I picked up a few things about sheet music. I'm far from fluent but I can usually get at least pretty close. Tabs are no problemo though. 

I feel like I have a signature sound for sure. A while back we opened for Kataklysm and their sound guy asked if they could borrow my 6505+ head cuz theirs had blown. Of course I said yes!!! But I thought it was really cool to hear my amp from the other side. Hearing it while not playing for once was interesting because it was like "wow that's what I sound like up there?! Hot damn that tone rocks!!!"


5.Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone ?

 I feel like I have a signature sound for sure. A while back we opened for Kataklysm and their sound guy asked if they could borrow my 6505+ head cuz theirs had blown. Of course I said yes!!! But I thought it was really cool to hear my amp from the other side. Hearing it while not playing for once was interesting because it was like "wow that's what I sound like up there?! Hot damn that tone rocks!!!"

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color )

My main weapon of choice is a gorgeous Jackson X Series KEXMG. She's got 24 Frets, neck through construction, basswood body, maple neck, and rosewood fingerboard.the tobacco burst finish is beautiful. Loaded with a floyd rose special, and EMG 81-85's she sure is a screamer!!! 

7.What about pickups? Passive or active ? Tell us about them

 Pickups are the almighty active EMG 81-85's. They sound tremendous. Although I have been kicking around the idea of outfitting her with a couple Seymour Duncan Detonators just to see if they can make her sing any better.

8.Lets get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc

My rig is the baddest thing I've ever owned. Peavy 6505+ with matching 4x12 slant cab. The thing shakes the whole house with the volume only set to 3!

9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy

My pedal board is an ever changing mish-mash of whatever gizmos and gadgets I like at the time. I've got a 2nd gen whammy pedal, original dunlop crybaby, boss tu-3 tuner, boss ns-2 noise gate, boss ph-3 phaser, Tc electronics "the propeht" delay pedal, and a voodoo labs power supply.

10..Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..

Honestly I'm really satisfied with my whole rig. It took me forever to get the right combo of all the things that go into my tone, but I'm really happy where it sits right now. If anything I'd like to get a Morely bad horsie 2 but otherwise I love my rig.

11.What guitarist can you not stand?

Not sure if it's The Edge I cant stand but something about U2 makes me insane.

12. Is tone more important or is technique?

 I'd say tone is more important than technique. Some of the best and catchiest riffs of all time require very little technique, but it's the tone that makes them sound truly bad ass.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist
In no particular order my top 5 guitar idols are:
 Zakk Wylde,
 Marty Friedman,
 Eddie Van Halen, 
and Dick Dale.

14.Who is the most overrated guitarist

 A lot of metal heads might think this is sacrilege, but I always thought that Kerry King was considered to be better than he sounds to me at least. I love Slayer but man those solos are like nails on a chalk board to me.

15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?

 If I could get an hour sit down with someone I'd say Paul Gilbert. His style is so unique and I'd love to know how he comes up with/actually pulls off the crazy shit he does.

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