Sunday, July 21, 2019


1.What is the name of your band and how did you come up with it?
What is your name and what do you do for the band?
ReFrame is the name of the band, the vocalist, my keyboardist and myself were coming out of another band and liked the idea of rebirth of a new beginning and after way to many other names we weren’t happy with it stuck!

My name is Phil Berger I play guitar and do some backing vocals I’m one of the primary songwriters

2.Tell us where you are based and describe the scene. How do you think where you are located influences your sound.
We are based in Memphis, TN, I am originally from Philadelphia and went to college in Boston so the sound is definitely different than just what’s here it’s more a mix of all the music we love versus being directly influenced by the Memphis scene

3.Who influences your sound that would surprise people?
Hans Zimmerman, Tori Amos, Elton John and Eminen

4.Are you endorsed by musical companies , if so who , and if not who would you like to be endorsed by?
I am endorsed by Xotic Effects, Intex Cables and George L cables. I have been playing Music Man guitars for about 10 years now and Mesa Boogie Amps for about 15 years would love to be endorsed by them. As far as non guitar specific…get endorsed by an in-ear company

5.When you started what was your ultimate goal? And how close to the goal are you now?
When I started I just wanted to learn my favorite songs and fit in with the cool kids who played down the street so if we look at just that I’ve far surpassed those goals. But I have learned that I’m the kind of person who everytime I reach a milestone I set 2 or three more goals

6.In today's digital environment it takes creative strategy to keep things moving. What creative ideas do you have to keep your band relevant over time?
First the album that we released originally there are enough songs demoed for it that we almost made it a double album. We decided to hold off as there was definitely a different narrative to those songs so we now actually have the equivalent to another album and a half of original music plus some covers and what not getting close to being released we’ll be spreading it out for awhile though.
We also have two conceptual videos we are filming in August to help keep us out there
I also have an idea of getting a bunch of musicians together at some point and recording a modern version of Hearing Aid…We’re Stars and filming it with the long version of all the solos and different singers and reaching out to some of the people who were on the original as well

7.We've all seen a terrible live band that is awesome on CD. Is that cool with you or do you lose respect for bands that cannot pull it off live?
I don’t think you have to play your album note for more, but at least mane whatever changes you make Be because it enhances the song and not because you can’t play the parts. Our albums pretty densely layered but we found a way to perform it with out tracks or playing on rails.we all have the ability to play extra parts through midi pedals, our singer can play some additional guitar or additional keys depending on what the song calls for and we definitely are a band who likes to leave room for improv I throw in parts of The Star Wars theme in Intros, parts of the gladiator theme in a guitar solo…I End one of the songs by playing the Jurassic Park theme something to be an ear worm for people who might not know the song but it perks up there interest hearing that

8.Tell us your “core” are you Metal , Rock , Punk , Pop etc because people just have to categorize these days you know?
Progressive Rock/Progressive Metal

9.This is a tough question but a very real reality, Is your band actually talented or just popular?
Many bands make it with a cliche or publicity stunts etc. Would you accept fame even if it was just because of being the “ in” thing or is it actually important to you that you gain favor with talent?
Well I’d much rather make it on the merit of our art, our musicianship and songs than on any publicity stunt. The hope of course is for the masses to adore what you do but I don’t want that to be the case at the expense of our art

10.Tell us what to expect from you live. Nothing is more boring than watching bands stare at the floor and bob their heads to music nobody but the band knows. What can your band offer in a live setting that people will remember?
Well we try to give people a show regardless of how complex our music might get we try to keep it fun…my keyboard player has s spinning keyboard stand so he can interact differently with the crowd. He also will go out in the crowd with his Keytar. As I explained before we try to keep people engaged with different melodic things they may know. My bass player has been known to leave the stage with his bass covered in his own blood. So although we are playing progressive rock music there’s definitely a heavier energy

11. What releases have you put out , When will we see something new?
Reaching Revery, our full length. We have also put out a single with another band a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. We have an EP that’s almost done that has a long EPIC track entitled F.E.A.R. (think 2112 by Rush or Change of Seasons by Dream Theater) that has some strings by the Memphis orchestra and we get to explore some of our Heavier and most experimental parts but also super melodic one of the sections entitled Run With Me is almost early U2 sounding. The ep will also a cover of Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding by Elton John which is going to feature Corey Glover on Lead Vocals as well as a few alternate performance of 3 songs on Reaching Revery and 2 remixes of other songs

12. If you have videos where can we see them?

This is the only official video out now the lyric video for I Want To Be More with Corey Gover Of Living Colour

We are filming two videos next month for And The Light Shall Lie and Head In My Sand these are conceptual as well as performance videos and will have them out ASAP

13.Everybody has Bandcamp , ReverbNation , Soundcloud , etc
Why do you think this is so important? Doesn't it seem like everyone is giving everything out for free?

14.Best moment of your career so far?
That’s tough. I’ve had lots of great moments most of which are on stage interactions with fans and what not, The completion of this album was a huge highlight though as some of these songs are very personal and were very cathartic for me

15.Your message to the fans?
Come Join us on this ride. We promise to make it an interesting and emotional musical experience

Bonus Question who do you bring back

Dime , Cliff , Dio , Lemmy , Randy

Tough question cant I just say all of them? If I was looking to pick the brain of another guitarist it would be RANDY without a doubt.

Can we just add Bonham to that and I just get to watch them all rock out together for one song

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking out this can find more info @
