Monday, December 16, 2019

Oh NO!!!!!!! He siad it!!!

Here comes the lynch mob pitch forks and torches because I am going to say THE big one. The one that shuts down dreams crushes hope and slays bands , fans and is biblical in truth like a universal grim reaper.
First lets go over a few details to wrap your minds around this slayer of worlds.
Support is all over the place!! For years like the beginning of man I think there have been people why live to support music drunk people especially why do you think bands play bars? The same reason comedians do drunk people are great at 2 ... wait 3 things
2.Giving away $
They all know someone who will make you a star and believe it or not they or someone they know has " connections" and since they have told you ad nausea how great you are you know the drill.

Truth is you HAVE to weed out what is support an what is a detriment your girlfriend is a DETRIMENT unless she owns a record company  graphic artist collective AND a touring company and is giving you cart blanche but chances are she doesnt and she DOES care what her friends think of your band than she cares if you ever make it TRUST ME.  look i know what she does to and for you and hey next to being a rockstar its something we all want, but you have to look past it and wait for the groupies.

Social media CAN be a major help IF used properly*this is why you hire ME! but  it takes time and if you waste time trying to market yourselves online you will get better results waxing your carrot.Social media is full of sharks and its a virtual bar so all of the bar rules listed above apply again which leaves you empty handed in the end. There are professionals that do PR LET THEM DO IT. Here is an idea go practice!!!

Ok bars , girlfriends , social media and the big one LONGEVITY
If you are looking for something to happen fast this is NOT the biz for you. It takes more time and dedication than you have I am telling you with 100% certainty YOU reading this do NOT have the time nor dedication to " MAKE" it. Because even the ones who have made it now have LESS time and dedication is now a JOB.
If you start a band or join a band do everyone a favor and STAY TOGETHER! Next to women EGO is the second worst disease bands can have most of the bands we all worship cannot stand each other think about it.......
So you have to CREATE support and hold on tight Mozart most likely its NOT going to be your music that does it, its usually the drummer because he is hot but you hate but dont kick him out! Or on occasion its your live show any number of things but the message you need to send is WE NEED SUPPORT and how you spell support is MONEY.
YOU NEED MONEY to make it in this game END OF STORY.
If you think your songs and talent are going to do it
  There it is I said it. You need money to make it and you need time.

Set it up master it let it work for you tell EVERYONE you need cash Facebook followers mean NOTHING. Investors are EVERYTHING.
It is a different world today but go way back Elvis, Beatles, Sabbath, Metallica you name it had money behind them and they convinced people to keep giving it this is your mission stay together , use time wisely ignore the girlfriend and the drunk guy and turn your band into something people want to INVEST in.

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