Monday, July 6, 2020


On this episode of An Old School Album Review we're discussing the band BOFO KWO from Finland.

We've had this scheduled for a while now as the new album "Space Time Carnivorium" was just released this month.. highlighting an epic comeback of the cannibal king!!!

Ted and Kimmo granted the staff members of An Old School Album Review a behind the scenes look at their new album.. let's hope we get out alive!!!

We'll start with Ted:

I think it is Eb but I leave all those technical stuff to Kimmo. 

Bands you have played with? 

Sadly, due to our reputation every single band that was on a lineup with us has withdrawn mainly due to I refuse to shower, and Kimmo refuse to share food. However, we did have a few shows this spring with actual other bands like Onkt, and the Hangmans Lament, but then one of those bands invented the Corona to prevent us from playing. We are hoping that 2021 is the year where we finally don't have to play private orgies without other bands on the lineup. 


Writing and recording the new album on an almost zero-dollar (40 dollars for Kimmo's Pizza) budget and still manage to somehow pull of a professional production is for me just as great accomplishment as going to the moon. 


Short term: start playing LIVE again!

Long term: World Domination, and I want my Metal Hammer Golden God award. 

Funny or weird story about your band:

Our band is all about weird and funny, so I will tell you a non-funny nor weird story. 
It was a grey Tuesday night, Kimmo had just got up from his afternoon nap. The winds of Finland blew strong,
he turned on the coffee pot and sat down. As he waited for the coffee to be done he felt the urge to put on
the radio. However, as any normal unfunny Fin, he waited for the coffee to be ready. He picked up a cup and 
poured some fresh brew in half. Then he went outside and milked a cow to add to his coffee just like any regular
Finnish person. He could feel the coffee fuels his little body and he finally turned on the radio. Outside there
was a huge storm brewing with rage! Kimmo thought to himself, maybe it is time to turn of the radio and go record
some music, the deadline for the album was after all passed and somehow the music had to be released. He put on his big boy underwear and went down into the basement to start recording. 
When he woke up naked on the cold floor at 2 AM he stumbled into bed and thought to himself; Another normal day with nothing out of the regular.  

Thanks for having us! CHEERS, TED!


We’re always down half step. So either standard or dropped C#. Planning on setting up one guitar for D so we’d be D standard or dropped C. 

Bands you have played with?
We haven’t had a chance to play with anyone yet. Thanks COVID.

Record deal was quite an accomplishment. And scoring a booker with Red Back. 


World domination. As in actually running this shit show. 

Funny or weird story about your band?
We’re prohibited to talk about those. Our lawyers will determine first the guilty parties and then if they’re funny, weird or just plain stupid. My bet is on the stupid.

*This is the best interview we've ever had 😆🤘

Now let's get to the music..
We went ahead and reviewed the 2017 EP release, "Legend of a Cannibal King" as a bonus for the BOFO KWO fans..
Let's start with that...

Really good guitar tone, with great build ups..
After knowing this band for a few years and hearing this album before, I knew what to expect. But it does always surprise me hearing it again.
Ted's vocals are just creepy..
There's a solid sound out of the guitars..
I feel like I all of a sudden want to start eating people, what's happening?!
Definitely symphonic it reminds me of Cradle of Filth..
Tells more of a story than just a random song..
The slower parts are mystical but you feel like something bad is about to happen..
Just a really full sound it's layered well..
I love the keyboard parts that shows real talent as there is just two dudes on this project..
The heavier guitar parts are very doomy..
Sometimes the drums explode into a serious rhythm but mostly they compliment the song's well, not overpowering..
I really dig the eerie spoken parts..
I imagine this is really good if you're tripping acid, but, could turn South quick if you focus on the lyrics as they are quite scary..
Overall pretty good album, it's definitely different from what you normally hear, but very fitting if you know the guys in BOFO KWO.


I haven't listened to this yet but I've seen it everywhere on social media.. I was saving it for the review..
It starts out in the amazing BOFO KWO  fashion.. super creepy, like a horror movie.. and there's possibly a threat to human life coming..
Kimmo really builds the song up with such a loud, loud guitar tone..
It's in the same style as the debut album, but it really feels like it's just part 2 of the whole project..
Still a solid blend, mastered well, and the backing vocals are just wayyy kewl..
Everything harmonizes so well..
I'd like to see Ted and Kimmo hire a symphony and a choir, and really go to town live!!! It would be a great show with Ted's personality!!!
I can picture the stage full of about 40 people in full gear with instruments and stage props set up for Ted like an Alice Cooper show..

Overall this album is exactly what BOFO KWO is, they didn't stray from their roots.
It continues the story of a Cannibal King only this time on a new adventure..
I would actually love to hang out with these guys..

Our special guest this week is Jesse week is Jesse Denner. of the band S1R3N from Nebraska.. here's his take:

"Industrial death metal with some ambient elements and sprinkles of just about everything here and there. Extremely interesting stuff here and from videos ive seen of their live shows it looks like a damn good time."

For all things BOFO KWO please follow them here:

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