Sunday, July 12, 2020


This week we take a look at the band Torizon from Australia. 

We talked to the band prior to this review, here's what they had to say:

We play in C# Standard. It works brilliantly with my vocal range as a Mezzo Soprano. Every singer has a natural sweet spot and this tuning gives me a lot of range, tones and colours to play with around that sweet spot. Sarah and Damien use 7 string guitars and 5 string bass, C# standard gives us the low end when we need it and a full sonic landscape to work with dynamics. Also, this tuning is a better option for Sarah, guitarist, to play an extended range of notes rather than going with a single dropped string like many other players. It also means our scale shapes are the same as standard. 

Bands we have played with  
Individually we have played/toured with bands at many different levels, from international touring acts, festivals to up and coming artists and everything in between. Some bands include Wednesday 13, Darkcell, These Four Walls.

I am incredibly proud of everything we have achieved during the CV19 lockdown. We recorded & filmed our single, got an endorsement, a worldwide marketing deal, a band development program, wrote a whole new batch of 9/10 songs, rebranded ourselves & studied the hell out of music theory & marketing. Having our producer and mentor Robb play guitar on our latest single and booking our first international tour!  We also just signed a management deal with one of Australia's biggest Artist Management Agencies. Considering the band is only 18 months old, this has been a great journey so far and I feel that we have established a great framework to take the next leap(s)

We have been busy writing new music and would like to release a new single every 2-3 months. At this stage we are already 4 singles ahead of our latest one. Once the Covid19 related travel restrictions are lifted, we'd like to record an EP in LA with our Producer, Robb Torres. Robb's been working with us remotely and we can't wait to see what we create by being in the same room together! One of main goals is to be signed by a reputable record label, until then we are enjoying working in an independent format. Our long term goal is to make Torizon a self sustainable project so we can direct all of our focus on creating new music. We also want to keep building our brand and platform to be able to support other artists and peers within the music community. And of course to play Wacken and tour the world!  

Funny/Weird story about the band
A dude asked me to sign his butt after a show...I politely declined haha!

Blurb (if you need it)
Never ones to shy away from serious issues, Torizon has penned their most defiant anthem yet, with ‘Find My Way Out’ dealing with the complex theme of gaslighting and emotional abuse. Empowering the victim to take control and leave the relationship that they find themselves in, the tune acknowledges the hardships faced by so many, resulting in a cry of resistance and courage – and it comes from lived experience.

Find My Way Out'' was recorded, mixed, mastered, filmed and edited in isolation during the Coronavirus lockdown. Originally Torizon had ambitious plans for the visuals which no longer could be executed due to the newly implemented lockdown restrictions. So they did the next best thing by recording and filming their parts in accordance with QLD Health instructions with special clearance. In this video Torizon take their fans straight to their homes and their own private rehearsal studio where all individual parts were filmed. Both of these places were a great source of comfort during the pandemic which left three quarters of the band unemployed. With the Audio Release gaining worldwide interest and radioplay and plans to record their debut album in Los Angeles & an international tour (COVID-19 permitting), the band have a busy year ahead of them. Stay tuned for more music from Torizon soon!
Written and Performed by - Torizon & Robb Torres as Guest Guitarist, Produced & Mixed by - Robb Torres Mastered by - Ian Sefchick, Filmed & Edited - Sarah Louise Allen

Social Media & Streaming:

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