Tuesday, December 15, 2020



1.Thanks for taking the time to talk to The Metal Times
You have a new album out, Tell us about it!

Our first full length, a concept album titled “Dear Boss,” is slated for a 2020 release. It’s a theme derived from their lifelong fondness of the art of horror films, infamous stories in history and disturbing folklore that connects to the unpleasant nature of the human psyche. Ward said, “When you dig deep into the mind of an unsavory person, perhaps that of a killer, you unearth the inner, complex thoughts of horrible human beings that have negatively shaped the course of innocent people’s lives...and that’s intriguing. Not because it’s something to celebrate, but because it’s a human response that is quite difficult to understand.” TCT’s lyrics on this particular record attempt to expose the minds of Texas serial killers. The listener experience will be a glimpse into something that is often off limits, even in simple conversation. “Society avoids discomfort and the unease that comes with topics that are considered taboo.” Ward said. This album has become a research project that forces the audience to try to perceive the sick perversions that can exist, from the profound internal conflict of these individuals, which is often deeply rooted in the agony that fills their sick minds. 


The El Paso Walmart shooting on August 3, 2019 almost halted the decision to bring this album to fruition. Ward stated, “It wasn’t just close to home, it was in OUR home. In the end it left us asking ourselves ‘why?’” The person that committed this atrocity “is not a serial killer in my mind, he carried out a mass murder that was politically motivated. A serial killer is quiet, vindictive, and often blends in while they execute a plan in a calculated way...this monster was just riled up by the political climate that the current president has created, where people think it’s okay to discriminate and be violent towards one another.” Nonetheless, Arellano and Ward couldn’t help but ask ‘What’s in the thought process of someone who acts out in violence?’


These questions led to a desire to discover the answers to why people kill; creating an opportunity to explore the mind and showcase the results through art. “We refuse to investigate the rationale of mass shooters...they don’t deserve our time,” Ward insists. However, for this record, TCT is determined to portray the inner workings of true serial killers; their stories run deeper; there’s layers upon layers. There’s an unknown psychology that TCT seeks to interpret and artistically portray through the subtleties of both lyrics and sound. 


2.Where was it recorded? Is all the material new?

The album is currently being recorded at Nevermore Records in El Paso, TX. All the material on the album is new.


3.What is the biggest difference between your last release and the new one?

Before this, we released six singles over the course of 2019; a showcase of what we’re all about. So, this is our first full length! On this record, we’ve made a point to include more dynamics between songs. We love all types of music and sometimes feel the need to add in more than just the heavy grinding. With this album, you will get the heaviness we all love, but interwoven will be dark and gloomy electronic pieces. The purpose is to capture the chaos that can connect to the concept of the album that may not always be heavy.


4.Are you signed to a label? If so which one and how did they help or support the process?

Yes, we are signed to Nevermore Records, LLC. The label is our own. We have been fairly successful in our personal lives and are in a position to not have to worry about signing our souls away to funders, so we decided to do it all on our own. Having been signed to a label in past projects, it’s exciting to know that we can now do everything our way and make our own rules along the way.


5.What has been going on with the band between albums? Did you tour?

Unfortunately, we have not yet toured for this project. We’ve been locked in a studio for roughly a year cranking out song after song; we want this album to be just right. Our goal is to first put out a great debut record, then the touring begins.


6.Do you have any new members?



7.Who produced the new album and how did they effect the album?

Our very own Paul Ward. He’s produced many artists over the years, and after working with both top notch and low-level producers in the past, we came to terms with the understanding that he just knows how to do it best. Paul is able to create high quality work that gets that raw emotion across that you want the listener to feel.


8.Some like to record naked or in the dark with candles , Did you have any strange studio practices?

Adrian has to get down to his boxers when he records vocals. Paul likes the studio dark with ambient lighting, and always wants to record early in the morning with a nice warm cup of coffee.


9.Of course tell us where to pick up your album and how to learn more about you.

Our first full length “Dear Boss” will be available everywhere. There currently isn’t a release date set, but it’s 3/4s complete and should likely be available in Spring of 2020.


10.What is your plans now that the new album is out?

We will be performing everywhere; looking at a tour being scheduled for Summer of 2020. The details are currently being sorted out.

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