Tuesday, December 15, 2020




1.What is your name and what band do you play for?

Dylan (Toki) Jenkins and I'm the drummer for VIA (2 years) and just recently joined WOR

2.Who made you want to play drums and why?

Joey Jordison of Slipknot. Was there a better band for a 13 year old to scare his parents with?


3.When did you get your first kit? Tell us about it…

I was 13 years old when I asked my dad for a drums set. He was hesitant because I didn't stick with the first instrument I had asked for (guitar) but we struck a deal that he'll get me the drums but I'd have to mow lawns till it was paid off. So we found a cheap Rogers kit on Craigslist and the rest is history.


4.Where your parents supportive of you and your loud / expensive new habit?

Very! From putting up with all the noise in garage  to coming out to shows.


5.What drum performance on an album is perfection to you?

Brann Dailor of Mastodon on Crack the Skye

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.

I have a 6 piece Mapex MyDentity kit. Bottom end is birch and the top is maple. It has a flat black wood grain wrap with slime green hardwear. Sabian cymbals and pearl eliminator double pedal.

7.If you could have a dream kit tell us about it in DETAIL

That's difficult to say. I switch up configurations quite often to keep things fresh. But I have been wanting to get a sweet hybrid kit together for a while now. Something similar to my current set up with VIA with the addition of a few Mandala electric drum pads.


8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy

Danny Carey, Brann Dailor, Chris Adler, Benny Grab, and Luke Holland


9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?

Definitely live

10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?

I wouldn't have the job security if we did..


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