Saturday, November 30, 2019


1.Thanks for taking the time to talk to The Grinder! You have a new album out, Tell us about it!

Answer: We have a 4 song EP out now. We are in the planning stages of recording a 5 song EP in March.

2.Where was it recorded? Is all the material new? It was recorded at Salamone Studios in Fredericksburg Va. All the material was new at the time of recording.


3.What is the biggest difference between your last release and the new one?

Quality and production. A lot more time, money and production went into it.

4.Are you signed to a label? , If so which one and how did they help or support the process?

We are not signed to a label.

5.What has been going on with the band between albums? Did you tour?

We are in the planning stages of a few tours for 2020.  We’ve just been trying to play as many festivals and shows as possible.

6.Do you have any new members?

We have had the same members pretty much since the beginning.


7.Who produced the new album and how did they effect the album?

It wasn’t really produced by an outside source, most production was done by each band member.

8.Some like to record naked or in the dark with candles , Did you have any strange studio


We don’t really have any strange practices but you definitely have to be in the right “state of mind” and have a good time!

9.Of course tell us where to pick up your album and how to learn more about you.

All links to music and videos can be found on our website music can be downloaded or streamed from most platforms. You can also find member bios, pictures and social media.

10.What is your plans now that the new album is out?

Spread the word! Share with friends. Try to get as many people as possible to hear it. 


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