Saturday, November 30, 2019


1.What is your name and what band do you play for? 
Answer: Mike Daniel (aka) Mike D!  Drummer of UNKNOWN

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.
Answer: I play a Yamaha live custom 5 piece with 4 rack mounted Meinl Cymbals Classics Custom dark 

8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy
Answer: Jay Weinberg, Chris Adler,matt mcguire,Eloy Casagrande,Travis Barker 

9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?
Answer: Honestly they’re both fun in their own ways , nothing beats performing live ,but also it’s almost like birthing a new born every time we go to the studio 

10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?
Answer: Of course we get all the chicks! I’m mean don’t get me wrong chicks like guitar players and vocalist  too , just not so much

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