Thursday, October 10, 2019

THE AXEMEN SERIES : Jason Long-Oracle


1.Tell us your name and the band you play for

 Jason Long-Oracle

2.Who made you want to pick up the guitar

3.Are you self taught or did you take lessons?

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?

5.Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone ?

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color )

 LTD Snakebyte baritone

7.What about pickups? Passive or active ? Tell us about them

 Hybrid Het sets

8.Lets get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc

 Peavy 6505 and EVH 5150 iii stealth with Mesa Boogie oversized cabinet. 

9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy

 Yes. I run a boss t3 tuner, decimator 2 g-string, tc electronics flashback, boss chorus ensemble and a MXR 10 band eq all fueled by the T-Rex fuel cell. 


10..Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..

 I have it but, there are some things I would still like to try.

11.What guitarist can you not stand?


* I personally hate this kid just because - moose

I12. Is tone more important or is technique?
 They are equally

13. Name your top 5 guitarist

 That’s hard to narrow down to that small of a group

14.Who is the most overrated guitarist


 I’m sure there are some out there that are better than others that doesn’t get the credit but, I really don’t know of any that is a fact, overrated.

15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?

 Probably Joe Duplanter because he also sings while playing guitar and I personally would rather talk with someone that does both as that is what I do.


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