Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Perpetual Dementia, it came to me in a nightmare. The INTERVIEW

1.What is the name of your band and how did you come up with it?
What is your name and what do you do for the band?

Perpetual Dementia, it came to me in a nightmare.  My name is Stoney Deardeuff, I play guitar, drive the bus, punch people in their titties and drink lots of beer.

2.Tell us where you are based and describe the scene. How do you think where you are located influences your sound.

What scene? It’s just a pay to play state.  People are cool but the radio stations are sold out.

3.Who influences your sound that would surprise people?

Buddy Holly and Mark Knopfler.

4.Are you endorsed by musical companies , if so who , and if not who would you like to be endorsed by?

No i’m not endorsed by anyone at the moment but i would love love love to be endorsed by Egnater and Schecter.

5.When you started what was your ultimate goal? And how close to the goal are you now?

When I started, the ultimate goal was to play in front of everybody and to burn the world down. I’m halfway there.

6.In today's digital environment it takes creative strategy to keep things moving. What creative ideas do you have to keep your band relevant over time?

Punching cops and setting my bandmates on fire.


7.We've all seen a terrible live band that is awesome on CD. Is that cool with you or do you lose respect for bands that cannot pull it off live?

I do lose respect for bands that can’t pull it off live because they let the fans down.

8.Tell us your “core” are you Metal , Rock , Punk , Pop etc because people just have to categorize these days you know?

We are metal.

9.This is a tough question but a very real reality, Is your band actually talented or just popular?
Many bands make it with a cliche or publicity stunts etc. Would you accept fame even if it was just because of being the “ in” thing or is it actually important to you that you gain favor with talent?

Talent. I think we’re talented and music has to be with talent. Gimmicks are for the weak.

10.Tell us what to expect from you live. Nothing is more boring than watching bands stare at the floor and bob their heads to music nobody but the band knows. What can your band offer in a live setting that people will remember?

If I could leave a kidney onstage- no, if I could leave YOUR kidney onstage then that’s a show. If we could tear the roof off and push the walls out;  if we could scare old people and make babies cry; if we can make you go to church on Sunday; then we did our job.

11. What releases have you put out , When will we see something new?

We have something waiting right now.

12. If you have videos where can we see them?

We have videos on youtube.

13.Everybody has Bandcamp , ReverbNation , Soundcloud , etc
Why do you think this is so important? Doesn't it seem like everyone is giving everything out for free?

It’s important to be in control of your own music.

14.Best moment of your career so far?

Falling through the stage and still not messing up the song.

15.Your message to the fans?

We are your creation, come play with us.

Bonus Question who do you bring back
Dime , Cliff , Dio , Lemmy , Randy

Lemmy is immortal, Dime went home, Cliff owes me 5 bucks, Dio’s drinking wine in heaven, and Randy needs to come back because he still owes us an album. 

 This is high impact for radio / press now!! request for interviews can be set up by emailing as well as request for music or any other info you need.


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