Tuesday, January 22, 2019


1.What is the name of your band and how did you come up with it?
What is your name and what do you do for the band?

Our name is Hath. The name just jumped out at us, i guess you could say. I'm Frank, vocalist and guitarist.

2.Tell us where you are based and describe the scene. How do you think where you are located influences your sound.

We're all from different parts of New Jersey. It's hard to describe the scene as a whole; it feels like North and South Jersey have their own scenes sometimes. It definitely seems like it's growing these past few years. The bands in our area are pretty supportive of each other, and i think it makes everyone want to be better. I honestly don't think our location has directly influenced our sound in a significant way. If anything we'd want to sound different from other bands around us.

3.Who influences your sound that would surprise people?

There's no single answer for this, to be honest. There are ideas we've gotten from bands like Nevermore, Opeth, Ulsect, Pallbearer, Ulcerate, Dimmu, Augury, Gorguts, really anything we listen to. We all actually listen to non-metal music as much as if not more than metal. You'd hear all kinds of pop, alternative, indie, etc artists if you went through our playlists, but to say that those artists influence our sound is tough.

4.Are you endorsed by musical companies , if so who , and if not who would you like to be endorsed by?

We are not. Personally, I'd love for a D'Addario endorsement. We swear by their strings. I'm sure Peter (lead guitarist) would say Strandberg Guitars and Kemper Amps if asked.

5.When you started what was your ultimate goal? And how close to the goal are you now?

The band actually started with me asking AJ (drummer) to finish and record some songs with me that i wanted to release on my own. Not for anything particular, just another creative outlet. It grew from there, of course, and here we are today. That goal is a thing of the past. Now we just want to release good, heavy songs that reach people.

6.In today's digital environment it takes creative strategy to keep things moving. What creative ideas do you have to keep your band relevant over time?

I don't believe there's a hidden secret to staying relevant. I think everything comes down to supply and demand at the end of the day. If fans keep getting what they want, they'll keep coming back for more.

7.We've all seen a terrible live band that is awesome on CD. Is that cool with you or do you lose respect for bands that cannot pull it off live?

I don't fault anyone for a single bad performance here and there, but if a band simply cannot play their music live then I can't really respect that. Unless you INTEND to never play live, you shouldn't be releasing something that you can't even perform.

8.Tell us your “core” are you Metal , Rock , Punk , Pop etc because people just have to categorize these days you know?

If I had to label Hath as one thing, i would easily say “Death Metal.”

9.This is a tough question but a very real reality, Is your band actually talented or just popular?
Many bands make it with a cliche or publicity stunts etc. Would you accept fame even if it was just because of being the “ in” thing or is it actually important to you that you gain favor with talent?

I like to think that I'm in a band with very talented individuals. Thankful for it, really. It's very important to me and us that we gain favor on our own merit. Anything less feels disingenuous and undeserved.

10.Tell us what to expect from you live. Nothing is more boring than watching bands stare at the floor and bob their heads to music nobody but the band knows. What can your band offer in a live setting that people will remember?

We're currently in our first real run of shows (as Hath) so our live performances are evolving each night. I think we bring good energy and we feed off the crowd. I enjoy yelling at the audience between songs lately.

11. What releases have you put out , When will we see something new?
Our first EP “Hive” is free on Bandcamp and is on every streaming service. Our new album “Of Rot and Ruin” is coming out April 12th on Willowtip Records, so you can look forward to hearing that soon.

12. If you have videos where can we see them?

YouTube(ours and Willowtip's), of course, and we post clips on Instagram and Facebook here and there.

13.Everybody has Bandcamp , ReverbNation , Soundcloud , etc
Why do you think this is so important? Doesn't it seem like everyone is giving everything out for free?

It seems that way because they really are. There's SO many artists these days with such easy access to exposure, that everyone's fighting for the 15 seconds of attention a listener might give you. Listeners have so many options that they're obviously going to gravitate to ones that are cheaper or free altogether. Our first EP is free on Bandcamp, and I think that was a wise choice.

14.Best moment of your career so far?

It feels like our career is just starting, but it's easy to say signing with Willowtip was the best moment so far. We're eager to see what the future holds.

15.Your message to the fans?

Thank you for digging us. Support things you like, don't support things you dislike. Be cool.

Bonus Question who do you bring back

Dime , Cliff , Dio , Lemmy , Randy

With all due respect to each option, my personal choice is Cliff. Randy is a close second. I think if you try to consider what they could accomplish had they lived longer instead of what they already accomplished, Cliff has the most potential for overall impact and influence.

Order via Willowtip  https://tinyurl.com/ybvwfrlo

Order via Bandcamp  https://tinyurl.com/y9l5hxhs




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