Sunday, December 8, 2019


If you have been following me long enough you know giving bands advice is what I do hell some of them even pay me I even have a Facebook for my earned nickname The Ben Franklin of Heavy Metal. Going back to the following me for a long time some of you may remember The Hog Bangers of Darkness my fictional band name I use Hell there is even a logo floating around out there somewhere....Ok the point being???!!

One of the things that truly puzzles me is what and why people name their bands. You WANT people to relate , You want people to be interested right? You WANT people to wear YOUR shirt! I have over time looked at a few Billboard top charts and surprisingly enough Entrails of Satan's Mother or Digested Aliens Anglophile tube massacre just never seem to appear. Now look we all do love some tasty gore grind especially this time of year but listen genius your band name is important and Grudgeraping the Elderly will only get you a certain few special fans.

There is power in the name of shock dont get me wrong KISS, Alice Cooper , Marilyn Manson , Wasp yeah yeah the list is a mile long but they had the GOODS to do along with the shock value AND everyone in the world knows what a KISS is! Van Halen , Dokken , Dio you know a good ol fashioned name seems to do well or even the stupidity of Korn (spelled with a k lord it must have taken days to think that one up) , Sponge , Filter. Clutch you know things EVERYONE knows

Band marketing is a lot like trying to get a date it really is from h=getting in good with the parents to looking good and being cool all of that stuff matters know the right people be in the right places and being remembered! If you really have it you are going to be remembered for your music ( crazy theory huh?) so take some advice you want to shock people? Become successful THAT is shocking your first step is your brand your name choose wisely

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