Monday, December 7, 2020


 1.Metal Coffee is going to attempt to create an interview that ask questions the others will not ask. First tell us your name , your band name and a social media link  we can find your band.

Secondly tell us why you joined or started a band and tell us what YOU think you sound like NOT what people say you sound like.

  My name is Andre’ Dumont, a.k.a Dræ the Dead, from Dead Harrison. You can find us everywhere from . All the links to social media and streaming media can be found there in all its glory. Well,this story stems from long ago. Back up 10 years. Got let go from a band that was really important to me as a musician. My heart was a bit broken and my sense of musicianship now felt sub-par. I was down, almost ready to throw in the towel for being able to compete in the music world. Then one day, I decided….”f#ck no! Music is in me. I can’t stop now.” So I found a group of guys and we started writing. Things were ok, then I started filling in for a punk band. Man, good times. So many shows were played. Then I decided to leave the punk band and follow up with the other project. Well that tanked. Ego kinda killed a whole bunch of stuff while I was off with the punk band. Left with that dirty taste of betrayal. Again, just more shitty circumstances, why do I bother. Love of music. So I meet a friend of my then girlfriend. Cool dude, we hit it off and thoughts started. Then I call my brother. “Hey man, wanna play guitar in a band?” I knew he liked music, played piano and stuff. Maybe he can learn to play guitar. The other guy played bass, I sang and played drums….let’s do this! So began the story of Mortuus Ortus, soon to be Dead Harrison.

  I’d say what we sound like is a little bit of some weird morph of Type O Negative/Black Sabbath/Corrosion of Conformity meets Pink Floyd/Sisters of Mercy/Kyuss?? Crazy as it sounds, it makes sense that way in my head. I think a cool stoner rock kinda sound, with some dark gothiness, a dash of punk and some tasty bits of metal thrown in. Heavy in sound, but not too aggressive. We want you to journey with us through the darkness.

2.What part of being in a band did you not expect? And knowing now what you know what would you have changed before joining or starting a band?

  Honestly, I didn’t expect the music to be heard or listened to. In the sense of what you perceive your musician heroes. That people would hear it and not have the interest or desire for more from the band. So it’s always been in the thinking.

  What I would change?  If I were to change anything, I wouldn’t. It is exactly this journey that got us to where we are….where I am.  Maybe just to not beat myself up so much. Yet it does keep quality in check.

3.How long did it take you to figure out that talent has much less to do with things and money had much more to do with things?

  Not too long. I think quality gear is good. Just sounds better and can take the abuse. Yet talent wise, you can always make trash sing if you feel it’s sound. Money does have to do with things. There are many pieces in the intricate puzzle of the music world. Everybody wants free, but when you pay for really pay attention and push for your personal best. People see quality and in return, they pay attention.

4.That being said, how many bands out there do you think made it on talent and how many made it on money?

  25/25/25/25. A lot of artists started off in a space like we did. Sometimes it’s being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes it’s busting your ass on the road and showing presence. Sometimes it’s single talent being ripped from their band and put with a “professional” band behind them. And sometimes it’s hard work doing it all and you build a team, a family, and then it all lines up. 

5.Do you still believe in good song writing knowing it doesn't really matter?

  Indeed. You may write some crappy piece of shit that someone or many will relate to, then get famous. I still think there is still the need to be an artist though. With meaning and a bit of purpose. So really, it does matter. Especially if you want something that will stand the test of time.

6.Honestly how does it make you feel knowing there are bands with women who show their t**ts and get big tours and bands with women who dont and are playing the bars?  

  Choice. As shitty as it sounds, it’s rock and roll. We all know about the sexualization of female artists. It makes money. It’s the mindset of the industry and the listeners. If it’s what you want to do, spread those wings. I mean it goes both ways, most people just don’t see it because, boobs. If she wants to be known for that flair, and it’s their choice, who am I to stop them. People just have to check their moral compass I suppose. Yet we all know beauty is attraction and one of the things in nature that keeps things propagating.

7.Why do you think we including you are so scared to say our political beliefs? And why are people afraid to say if they dont like an artist? Is it ok to have different opinions / beliefs

 and still be united as people?

  Yeah, I’m not one for politics. I could really give a sh! Believe what you want to believe. Don’t be shitty to others and force your opinion. I’ll get involved in a little debate, but spare me the line of crap. I’m not scared. I just choose to not get people riled up over useless garbage. I will, however, challenge your moral compass towards other humans. Politics will burn the world to a cinder.

  Everybody is entitled to their beliefs. Yet everyone's belief is only what they have learned through their living experience. If people can learn to understand that, they may see things in a very different light. Understanding the source will unite. We still have a little ways to go to get there, but we will. Or we’ll just kill each other off (laughing).

8.Without a simple question , if you broke a law that could cause you to lose your children would you break it fair or not?

  I wouldn’t….unless it was an unjust law. I would rather be an example for them. To not tolerate the unjust. There are definitely lines in the sand that can shift, especially if other lives are at stake.

9.Who would you pick to produce your next album and why? Only one catch it has to be a pop star.

  Fine, let’s go way out there into left field. Lady F’n Gaga. That would just be some crazy level epicness! If you know anything about her, I think the quality, the bells and whistles, the show in itself. Her versatility in the field, the song crafting and detail to emotion and drive. I barely know any of her songs, but she’s where she is for a reason.

10.Who is your worst nightmare as a tour manager?

  Most of the time, but not always, the promoter. The guy/girl that is basically trying to get themselves paid by providing entertainment for the venue. Hard to try and get any kind of guarantee on that one. You pretty much just rely on selling some merch. Maybe you’ll get some gas money. But whatever...can’t let the little nightmares stop you. Play your show with all your heart. I just try not to be a dick about it. Finding places to play a good show are hard enough.

11.If everything you did on tour was on video and you had to sit and watch it with your parents and little sister would you watch it or choose to never tour again?

  Most definitely! My mom and little sister are cool. Be a good example for what you want to see this world be. I think it’s good to have mom’s stamp of approval. I’m not looking to make a porn on the road…. while some of you are like, “Take my money!”.

12.Alot of people consider metal as a satanic drug and alcohol fueled tornado of criminals , in honesty would you feel better playing kids Possessed or Kanye West ? And why?

  I think that question boils down to religious propaganda. I don’t feel better playing either of those to kids. Kids just listen to the beat, context is taken in subconsciously. I would play them both and let them decide if they like one or the other, maybe both. But Kayne? You crazy.

13.Ok we beleive it is ok to have hatred  you hate someone we all do who is it and why do you hate them?

  Hate is a strong word. One, that I prefer, is meant for no one. Reserved for the things they do or the choices they make. By no means to be “holier than thou”. I think it’s more of my core value, to always give people a chance. I’ll dislike you strongly, but will really hold myself accountable for how I feel about people. Trump. I hate Trump.

14.Your wifes leg is caught underneath your car after a terrible accident after you grab _______ do you call 911 and try and help her. Now answer that question and replace the word wife with your singer………

  What are we grabbing? An *8ball? Toss that shit and call me an ambulance!!! No wait...if I die, then we’ll be famous!!

15.Who are the biggest crooks in the music industry? 

  Some would say the labels. I think bars. Cheaping out with deals through promoters. Some labels really do a number on people, so I’m torn there. Very big scale difference on dollar value.

16. Lastly who are you droppin the d with even if you get covid?

  Wear your mask! Really….don’t be a fool. No d droppin in a covid p. My levels of self preservation and mortality are a little bit important. Value life. The d can drop in another v later.

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