Tuesday, October 13, 2020

DEEP AND HARD interview with AMONG YOUR GODS bassist - Fedarets Kanstantsin


1.Why Bass?

 - I tried to play the guitar - I went to the courses, but it didn't go to me when a friend brought me to the group - they played in the garage, gave me a bass and I hit the string - the garage shook, I fell in love with this instrument from the first second , because it is he who can give out such power.

2.Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit?

 - Perhaps because the bass in concerts is not as clearly distinguished as the guitars, because people do not really notice the bass in metal, but if the bass disappears or becomes uneven, people will immediately hear it. It doesn't matter to me that people underestimate bass, but jokes and anecdotes about bass players are very funny)

3.What kind of bass do you use? Model , color , year , And why

 - Now I have a MusicMan Sterling, it seems from the 1990s, black in color, I was looking for the sound of bass for a long time, and when I heard what sound the musicman gives out, I immediately understood what I needed, a very sonorous and juicy sound with a powerful middle and highs.

4.Tell us about your amplification

 - I only use one Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra pedal.


5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass?

 -  Very important, each bass is unique and gives out its own sound, I do not think that I completely stopped at this one bass, because over time I can hear some other bass and I cannot resist buying)

6.Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string?

 - In my music that I play is quite enough and 4 strings, perhaps for grincore it will be possible to take a 5-string bass)

7.Who is your favorite bassist?

  - I really like Dominic Forest Lapointe - former bassist of Beyond Creation. ..plays the fretless bass, plays very interesting parts that constantly stand out from the general pack, listen - very cool. And, of course, Metallica's Cliff Burton.

8. Who is your least favorite bassist?

 -  There are none)

9.Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass?

 -  I don’t think the girls play all the instruments, I’m not sure that the bass is particularly prominent.

10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with?

 - Cliff Burton - he was a very cool bass player.

11. Bonus question

Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan which is more ridiculous and why


 - Who is Bobby Doll? Google is silent, so this bassist is more funny, since even the all-knowing Google does not know him)

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