Thursday, July 23, 2020


1.Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for
My name is Mindy Jackson and I'm the harsh vocalist for Dying Oath 

2.What / Who made you want to sing?

Joan Jett and my mother

3.Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

Pat Benetar 

4.Many people say heavy music is just screaming, How would you combat that statement?
I think everyone translates things differently but the passion is there and with us, the melody is also there so there's something for everyone

5.If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

I practice the correct ways of doing it so I never have an issue with that 
6. Do you have a warm up routine? Tell us bout it ?

Breathing exercises, and lots of water 

7. Do you think power or performance is more important?

Both equally, but performance is definitely the winner overall
8. Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit?

I don't think any musician is unfairly praised. Talent is talent. I think Morgan Lander of Kittie is amazing but slept on

9.Name your top 5 vocalist
Joan Jett
Morgan Lander
Pat Benetar
Lizzy Hale
Amy Lee

10.Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette?
 Just testing your skills here

Jim is more my style but I can appreciate them both

11.Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?
Kelly Clarkson
12.If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be?

All of them

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