Wednesday, June 17, 2020



This week we're speaking to Kitra Scott of Rocky Mountain Rage Show..

Here's our interview:

1.) How long have you been on the air?
Can you describe your first broadcast. 

I have been on the air for 2 years. My first broadcast was wretched. Half my songs didn't load up. I was nervous as hell!! I don't think I spoke loud enough and when my show aired, I literally threw up in my mouth a little!!

2.) What's your favorite part of hosting a radio show?

) My favorite part is that I get to play the music I want!! I get to give the unsigned bands a chance. It is a dream to be able to do this.

3.) Can you tell us about some bands that you have played as "underground" that went really big?

Ded is getting some really good traction. Saul is taking over the music world. My hope is that people enjoy As Strange As Angels as much I do. I want them to make it big!!

4.) What are you looking for in new music?

In terms of new music, I am looking for bands that are willing to promote themselves and the people that help promote them!! My friend, Jake from The Endless Line gave me solid advice, "Teamwork makes the Scene work!" and it's true. You have to have a great sound but you also have to be willing to put in the work.

5.) What's your average audience?

My audience is amazing. I have people from all over the World listen to my show!! I love to make a show and have the music that connects with people

6.) What's your plans for the future? 

My plans are to keep doing this for as long as I can. I am also known as #queenofbandshirts because almost every day I wear a different band shirt. I wear these shirts in public. I love when people ask me about the shirts I am wearing. So, I am not only a DJ but I am a walking, talking billboard for the bands I love.

7.) Can you describe to us your relationship with Wes of Metal Coffee PR?

Wes always sends great bands my way and I love to check them out!! He has great taste in music

8.) Can you tell us a funny / interesting story about your radio station?

Have you heard of Rock Rage Radio???!! We have the best and most fun DJ'S on the planet. Something crazy happens all the time.

9.) What was it like for us to interview you?
In our experience,  a lot of radio DJ's have said this is the first time that's ever happened. 

This was a great opportunity!! I still freak out when people want to ask questions about me!! I appreciate it!!

10.)  How do bands submit their music to you for airplay?

Sooo, my show is called Rocky Mountain Rage and it's on Rock Rage Radio Saturdays at Noon Eastern and 3 p.m Eastern on Sundays. If you want to send me your tunes, my email is and thank you

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