Sunday, May 3, 2020

CORONA INTERVIEW : Jairo, bass/vocals of Chaos Synopsis,

1.Tell us who you are with and what you’ve been up to in 2020 so far.

Jairo: here Jairo, bass/vocals of Chaos Synopsis, been rocking with my mates since 2005. For 2020 we had a Mexican Tour with Kataklysm and plans of releasing a new EP.

2.What plans have the virus changed for the band?

Jairo: we were about to start our mexican tour with Kataklysm in 18/04, totally canceled and posponed for next year, if the music business get back.

3.Do you think the virus in the big picture is help or hindrance for bands?

Jairo: it totally fucked the bands. Nowadays, all the income mainly comes from tours and merchandise sold on the road, so, its a really bad year for any band out there.

4.Are you doing live streams or special video’s / releases for your fans stuck at home?

Jairo: we just released a single/music video made in quarantine called “Coronavirus”. Both our guitar players had symptoms of Covid-19, so our drummer recorded pretty much everything and I did the vocals, as we cannot meet each other for the time being.

5.What are you doing in quarantine that would surprise people?

Jairo: trying to work on a new album lyrics and composing some sounds, even trapped in home music can’t stop, sure, when children let me work, as they are also going crazy staying inside home the whole day.

6.What has been your mainstay music or netflix ?

Jairo: I’m trying to listen to some stuff, but mainly Netflix and PS4 for those days with 2 children in home.

7.Will you think differently about touring? And about groupies?

Jairo: I hope it won’t, but I personally believe the music business won’t get back to normal so soon. We’re still figuring out how things will be, but social distancing for the time being is the only truth we know. No groupies at all for a long time.  =(

8.Do you know anyone personally affected?

Jairo: I know people with symptoms of the disease as I know a lot of friends that are also musicians or work with the music business that are completely lost and don’t have from where to get money for a living.

9.Do you think its more important to blame someone for the virus or to get it solved.

Jairo: just blaming don’t bring our lives back, we need to keep ourselves confined and wait for the vaccine to appear as soon as possible. Just science will save our asses right now, let’s hope we keep alive to see it happen.

10.Last question would you rather cover yourself in honey and throw yourself into a bees nest or see your bassist naked?

Jairo: as the bass player of the band, I have this horrible image everyday, hahaha. But when you tour and travel a lot with your buddies, you can’t run from seeing they naked sometimes, it sucks, but its part of being on a rock band that travels a lot.

Thanks a lot for the chat, see you all on the road someday.

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