Monday, May 4, 2020

BATTERY DRUM INTERVIEW : Detlef von Kalben / MX The American.

1.Tell us your name and who you play for. Detlef von Kalben I am currently involved with MX The American.

2.Who made you want to play drums and why?

Micky Dolenz I saw The Monkees live in Charlotte NC summer 1967 and was blown away by
the girls going crazy
3.When did you get your first kit? Tell us about it…

Must have been christmas ‘68 from the Sears Christmas catalog blue sparkle 3 piece snare
mounted tom and kick and a throne and hihat.

4.Where your parents supportive of you and your loud / expensive new habit?

Yes they let me start lessons at school and later took private lessons at a local music store.
Haskell harr 1 & 2 was instruction books and I was able to upgrade my drum set to a new1970
blue sparkle Ludwig 5 piece.

5.What drum performance on an album is perfection to you?

ELP Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 2/1974 California Jam.

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.

I’m using a Sonor SQ1 hotrod red with 2) 22” kicks 61/2 x 14 snsre, 10”, 12”, 13” mounted and
2) 16” floors lots of cymbals 2) hats various percussion instruments.

7.If you could have a dream kit tell us about it in DETAIL

8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy
Carl Palmer, Lee Kerslake,Clive Burr, Micky Dee, and Jeff Porcaro.

9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?

Live, the energy is what we do it for.

10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?

No, get only 50% the singer gets the other 50%, now a singing drummer gets them all no doubt.

Just ask Phil Collins.

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