Tuesday, February 4, 2020


1.I just have to ask why keyboards?

I love the wide range of notes the keyboard gives me, without the calluses! I am also a trained singer, and I find keyboard very easy to play while I sing. Plus, with the added benefit of MIDI, I can play virtually any instrument I desire.

2.When you started playing keys was it your intent to join a metal / rock band?

Actually, yes. It has been my dream to play in a rock band for several years, though I didn't think I would easily find a band who wanted a keyboardist.

3.Who are your influences?

I'll name the obvious one for my generation, Amy Lee of Evanescense. I have always been inspired by not only her piano skills but her voice as well. Nightwish is another influence on me for keys.

4.Do you know who Jon Lord is without using Google?

Nope. Does this mean I've been sheltered? haha.

5.What do you do visually to enhance your presence ?

I recently started playing the keytar, which allows me to play keys while standing and moving around. I feel this gives variety to what the audience experiences visually. It also helps that the instrument is bright red.

6.Why do you think keyboard players in metal get so little recognition?

I think keyboardists get less recognition in metal because of the softer, melodic nature of the instrument. Many people only see it fit for pop ballads and classical music, though when added to rock/metal music, it creates a more wholesome overall sound.

7.Did you start on a piano? And what age did you start

Yes, I started learning piano when I was obtaining my music degree in college, so I was around 21 at the time.

8.Its one thing to seranade with  a guitar  , do you have a seranade story youd like to share?

I have never serenaded anyone. I am notoriously shy as a musician, so I tend to clam up when playing in front of one or two people. For whatever reason, playing in front of a larger audience is less scary. Maybe one of these days if someone pulls my heart strings, I'll serenade them...

9.In line with the last question keyboards are often looked at as romantic are you romantic when you play or are there visions of the Phantom of The Opera ( the scary 30’s one) in your head?

It depends on the song. If I'm playing a fast metal piece, I tend to be more Phantom of the Opera-ish, otherwise I play more romantically.

10.Convince me keyboards are cool because your facing a large audience who begs to differ. Change our minds

Keyboards are cool because they are the most versatile instrument in the band. A keyboardist can add beautiful piano melodies over any epic rock ballad, and with the use of MIDI, can add a spicy synthesizer to a hot metal piece or even orchestral strings for an Apocalyptica moment. If you want your band to sound like no one else's, invest in a talented keyboardist.

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