Saturday, February 8, 2020

Burdizzo Nursery Album review by Allyson Kingsley music journalist with Metal Coffee/Metal Moose

Album review by Allyson Kingsley music journalist with Metal Coffee/Metal Moose 
    Ah, grindcore. Not an easy genre to love but if you like your metal extreme to the tenth degree this is the place for you. Do you want your face ripped off? Are you desiring to have your skull bludgeoned to concussive proportions? Do you want both at once?? Grindcore is a  style characterized by one focus: knocking your lights out hard and fast. In spite of the savage bestial atmosphere, it’s a style royally ruled by the the upper echelons of acts such as Dying Fetus, Pig Destroyer or Infernal Coil. I dare say that Burdizzo, based in Toronto, will give you a head start in your grind explorations. 
   This collection of songs in Nursery  is the perfect soundtrack for all of the fucked up shit happening in the world right now. Burdizzo serve up a HUGE plate of feral anger on this album and I can not stop stuffing my face with their putrid riffs!
    From the militaristic drumming within opener "Crucipricefix" the band rarely gives the listener any respite, dragging them kicking and screaming with pummeling drums and riffs that coat you with filth. The entire album, their sophomore effort, is about 20 minutes in length and true to grindcore form, there are 12 fast and furious ultra violent songs ready to crush your skull. I'm digging the hint of groove on "Blackmailisted". And then there's that delicious growwwwwllll. Badass!  Even as some of the
songs blur into a single massive assault, they have a punk rock catchiness that some of the more metallic grindcore acts don't share.
    To most though, grind is just  noise. Talentless, artless, godless racket, meant to be more of performance art or a shock tactic.  For what it’s worth, it is a movement that speaks to me, it touches upon what I feel is the fundamental law of things metal and punk. Burdizzo  bring the intensity. In my opinion music doesn’t get any heavier than this stuff, the logical extreme where emotion, in this case anger, usurps influence from the form. A good grind album like Nursery is essentially plugging your headphones directly into the unspeakable rage and frustration we all feel at times.


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