Saturday, November 30, 2019

DEEP END SERIES : George Struthers / The Colony

1.Why Bass?

I started off playing guitar and have been in a few bands over the years. Before joining The Colony, I was in a band called Kentrabay. Myself and Mike (the previous bassist) were guitarists. When he left the band, I was asked to try out. I already loved the band and was more than happy to. After joining, I have never looked back. With bass you can make it as intricate as you like or just rock out to a nice groove. 

2.Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit?

I think bass is under appreciated. Everyone wants to be a lead guitarist, but people forget some of the kick ass bass sections that are out there. It takes a lot of practice to play bass to a high standard.

3.What kind of bass do you use? Model , color , year , And why

At the moment I use the Ibanez SDGR SR305 Red. No idea what age haha.
I am looking to upgrade but haven’t decided on what to go for yet.

4.Tell us about your amplification
I am Ashdown all the way with this. I use the Rootmaster EVO 2 500 along with my Ashdown 8x10 cab. Simple setup but it’s all I need. 

5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass?

Tone is important to an extent though I feel that a lot of the tone comes from how you play. Once you have the technique’s down, you can start to change the tone. A new pedal won’t make it sound good if you haven’t put the practice into actually playing. 

6.Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string?

I do prefer 5 string as it gives you a bit more flexibility. Plus I have only ever really played a 5 string so I suppose it’s just what I am used to.

7.Who is your favorite bassist?

Nolly Getgood, hands down. 

8. Who is your least favorite bassist?

Would have to say Sid Vicious.

9.Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass?

Think they just love the low tones and the freedom to mix it up a bit during shows.


10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with?

Would be good to have a lesson with John Myung from Dream Theater. 

11. Bonus question
Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan  which is more ridiculous and why

I am going to say Nikki Sixx. Regardless of his ability to play bass, his life story alone is pretty ridiculous. 

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