Friday, November 29, 2019

Circle Burn interview By Allyson Kingsley

Created in 2017, with influences from bands like Skinny Puppy, Lords of Acid, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Boy Harsher and much more. A 3-piece bringing you intense dirty electro synth.
Band members: Evie - Vocals and Lyrics Skar - Music, Synth, Noises, Production Rong - Synth, Noises, Vocals

Welcome Circle Burn members. Your album Eigengrau has piqued my curiosity. You are the
first dark electronic industrial band I've heard and I do like what I hear. Can you give me a
history and introduce your band to us? Without explicitly stating the genre, how would you
describe your music?
Circle Burn is Evie on vocals, Skar on programming and live synth and Rong on programming, live synth, and backing vocals.
Skar: I’ve been doing electronic music for a number of years and in 2016 I connected with Evie, who was interested in the music I was creating and we started Circle Burn. Shortly after we completed the lineup with a long-time co writer of mine, Rong, thus finalizing the lineup.
Evie: I contacted Skar in 2016, wanting to start a music project. We talked about ideas and clicked instantly. It flowed quickly from there and a cigarette burn, which is also called a “circle burn.”

Rong: I like to describe it as Dirty Electro-synth. I think the term compliments the sexiness of the music.
I am curious as to what your various influences are. What are you listening to in your time off
from the band?
Rong: I’m into everything, but right now I’m listening to a band called Health.
Evie: It changes daily, but right now it’s Skinny Puppy, Actors, Wulfband, Death Grips, and Fear Factory.
Skar: Wulfband, Actors, Boy Harsher.

How would you describe some of the venues that you perform in from your area?
Rong: Hit & miss. Road trips seem to be a better experience than home gigs.
Evie: I agree with Rong. It’s been a good experience so far. Most of the time I get ready in a tiny bathroom stall and we sleep in the Buc-ee’s lot occasionally. Promoters, staff, sound guys, musicians - we all come together for the love of music.

Do you all have various hobbies or interests that spark your creativity?

Skar: Nope, I’m pretty boring..

Rong: I have lots of hobbies or interests outside of music, but only emotionally driven situations have ever shaped my creativity.

Evie: I’ve always liked sewing, painting, costuming… I’m inspired lately by Blade Runner and Cyberpunk.

Let's talk about Eigengrau. How was your experience in the making of this album? Were there
any challenges you faced?

Rong: For the most part, the album just seemed to flow quick and smoothly. The only issues have been the mixing and mastering.

Skar: Fortunately, no challenges, as the three of us writing seemed natural.

Can you describe what some of the songs are about on the album?

Rong: From a music writer’s standpoint, it really is just a simple blend of emotions and the soundscape matching those emotions.

Skar: I agree with Rong, I express my emotions through the sonic sounds and rhythms that Rong and I write together, but story wise, meaning lyrics, that is Evie’s department.

Evie: This process has been brand new to me, but my mom gave me advice, “Write about what you know.” I’ve drawn from mental illness, addiction, extreme anger, toxic friends, and more. I write down bits of lyrics all the time when I’m inspired.

Seeing as this is my first foray into this genre, what other bands (local and national) would you
recommend for anyone interested in this music?

Skar: Solemn Assembly, Skatenigs, Void Prototype, spankthenun, unitcode:machine, Adoration Destroyed.
Evie: Skinny Puppy, ManifestiV, Ministry, Chant, AWEN, SINE, Curse Mackey, Standalone.

What are some positive aspects that you see in the music industry? What would like to see
change about it?

Rong: The positive side is getting to put together music and a sound that everyone is accepting and excited about. One negative is that it shouldn’t be a competition. Music is music is music. Not everyone has to like all compositions but it is still an open art form that has no right or wrong.
Which song from your album is your favorite and why?
Skar: Black Sea is my favorite for the synth composition and industrial undertones.

Evie: Nothing Better to Do is my favorite to sing live, as it’s so acerbic and angry. Everyone has dealt with someone talking shit about them and everyone has a breaking point. It’s cathartic to get that all out of me and yes, that song is about you. ;)

Rong:  Actually there are three songs that are arranged in a particular order on the album because the mood and flow work so perfectly, but within those three is a song called “Get Fucked” that I just absolutely love because of its raw and unbiased position.
How have your fans reacted to your music? Are your families supportive of what you do? How
do you balance everyday life with band life?

Evie: Both of our families have a musical background, my mom and dad were in a band together and Skar’s Dad and Uncle are fantastic guitarists. They are extremely supportive and give helpful advice often. Balancing everyday with band life takes a ton of organization. I make a lot of lists, reminders, calendars, etc. Between the band, radio show (The Incinerator on Deep Ellum Radio and a podcast coming soon to Mixcloud), and everyday life it’s a lot, but definitely worth it. This is the first band I’ve ever been in and I’m so happy to see people playing and dancing to our music!

  Rong: I believe we have some admirers that enjoy our music thus far. My family doesn’t really understand music or at least the music I am into, so the conversation is almost nonexistent. The balance of band and going about everything outside of music has basically just become the norm. I don’t necessarily consider them two separate instances anymore. I just see it as, I’ve got to do this chore or that chore and then I get to unwind with my art and feel that sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Skar: So far, people have enjoyed what we have been putting together in circle burn and it’s been a great reception.My family supports me with what I do musically and always has. As far as juggling normal everyday life with my music life, I can’t really tell you, it just happens. 

Thank you for taking some time to join us. Are there any parting words.

Skar: Thank you for having us and enjoying our music! Be on the lookout for our CD release in 2020, music videos, and live shows! 

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