Wednesday, October 23, 2019

THE BATTERY SERIES : Jalen Hall of Days to Come

1.What is your name and what band do you play for?

A: Jalen - Jalen Hall. I play for Days to Come.


2.Who made you want to play drums and why?

A: Jalen - I guess I did. I tried guitar for a few years but nothing really clicked. So I got behind a kit and never looked back.

3.When did you get your first kit? Tell us about it…

A: Jalen - I got my first kit at 15. It was a Ludwig Element with birch wood.

4.Where your parents supportive of you and your loud / expensive new habit?

A: Jalen - My mom said as long as I am happy with what I do, she'll support it 100%.


5.What drum performance on an album is perfection to you?

A: Jalen - A Perfect Circle, The Thirteenth Step.

6.Tell us about your current kit and set up in DETAIL.

A: Jalen - I play a teal Outlaw 4 piece set with Aquarian drum heads and mainly Gibraltar harware. I kept my Ludwig snare though because it gives a nice full sound.

7.If you could have a dream kit tell us about it in DETAIL.

A: Jalen - I'm not too sure about that one. I like to focus on what I have now and if something better comes along, then I'll be grateful.

8.Name your top 5 drummers excluding Neil Peart and Mike Portnoy.

A: Jalen - Chad Szeliga, Josh Freeze, Sean Kinney, Morgan Rose, and Joey Jordinson.

9. Do you prefer Live or Studio?

A: Jalen - Live all day.


10.Do drummers really get all the chicks and if so how do we convince the guitarist?

A: Jalen - Depends on the crowd

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