Saturday, October 12, 2019

THE AXEMEN SERIES : Gergő Hájer of Omega Diatribe

1. Tell us your name and the band you play for. 

Hey, my name is Gergő Hájer, and I’m the founder guitar player for the hungarian extreme groove metal band Omega Diatribe.


2. Who made you want to pick up the guitar? 

In the beggining I didn’t have any idol or something like that, I remember I just cranked up Pro Pain’s Round 6 record, and some weird feelings just hit my head, that I want to play guitar like this!
3. Are you self taught or did you take lessons?

I took lessons for years in the beggining than I turned into a self-educated guitar player.

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?

Yes, no problem. But I didn’t really use this  knowledge nowdays.

5. Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone?

I hope, haha. But still, I’ve got a loads of feedback that people recognize my playing style immediately. Some people say, that I have my own style… But I don’t know. You have to ask some other people.  

6. Tell us about your guitar (brand, model, year, color).

I’m an ESP addicted guitar player since 15+ years. I remember that I placard these guitars picture in my room when I’m a kid, than I’ve become and Official ESP Artist in 2015. I think you can imagine how important it is for me.
So, I play only ESP Guitars, for Omega Diatribe I have two baritone, seven string axes: E-II Horizon NT-7B and an ESP Horizon NT-7B. Both are killer axes, love them ’til death. Both in black color, the E-II is satin, the ESP is glossy. I also have a few 6 string ESP axes as well, like two Vipers, one in cherry color and one in woodland camo. Than I’ve got an urban camo M-II as well, which is my favorite 6 string axe! These instruments are a really big part of my life. Can’t be happier with any other guitar…
By the way, I will go to NAMM 2020 to visit the ESP Guitar Family first time, which makes me super stoked!

7. What about pickups? Passive or active ? Tell us about them.
I prefer passives, but I like a lot of pickups, you know. Seymour Duncan, EMG, DiMarzio, Fishman, Lundgren… I can dial a sound with any high-output pickups which has enough gain.


8. Lets get into amplification. Same drill: brand, model, speakers, etc. 

I use a really old Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier from 1992 and I boost it with a TC Electronic Nova Drive to achieve a more punchier and tight sound.
I use it with an oversized 4x12 Mesa cab loaded with Celestion V30 speakers. Just a classic pair, you know…
For home recording I’m using the Kemper Profiler Rack. Loaded with Mesa Boogie profiles, hehe. 

9. Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy. 

Yep, effects is a big part of our sound. I use a lot of delay, reverb and wah in our music. I use semi-analog pedals, like TC Electronic Flashback X4 for delay, Dunlop for wah, MXR for lead boost and Boss for noise gate and tuner.

10. Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..
Actually, I own my dream rig! 

11. What guitarist can you not stand? 


All of the modern guitar players who wants to play 6522314 note in 1 second. That’s just not for me… Usually, less is more.

12. Is tone more important or is technique? 

The spirit.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist?

Mick Thomson,

Dimebag Darrell,
Fredrik Thordendal,
Jimi Hendrix, 
Rob Arnold
14. Who is the most overrated guitarist?
Andreas Kisser

15. Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive? 

Mick Thomson for sure. 


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