Tuesday, August 27, 2019

THE AXEMEN SERIES Michael Huebner / Life of Scars

1.Tell us your name and the band you play for

Michael Huebner / Life of Scars

2.Who made you want to pick up the guitar

 I remember wanting to play the “Highway to Hell” solo, so Angus Young

3.Are you self taught or did you take lessons?

6 months of Lessons when I as 13 years old , then self taught ever since. Also self taught piano

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?


5.Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone ?

Yes, your tone is greatly affected by your hands. 2 different people can play the same notes on the same guitar and sound completely different.

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color )

My #1 is a 1992 Jackson RR professional. It was a discontinued yellow color so I got it on sale and loved it ever since. SMOOTH

7.What about pickups? Passive or active ? Tell us about them

Active – EMG’s an 81 & 85. In all my guitars. I love them

8.Lets get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc

I’ve had the same Ampeg VH-140C since the early 90s, with marshal cabs, celeston speakers

9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy

My board is very simple. Tuner, noise gate, wah, and delay. Less stuff means less problems. I get my sound from the amp.

10..Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..

Just a wall of Ampeg VH-140Cs

11.What guitarist can you not stand?

I can’t really think of one


I12. Is tone more important or is technique?

Technique is everything. What good is a great tone if you can’t play. I always thought that Blackmore’s lead tone sucks but his playing, technique, choice of notes is amazing.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist






14.Who is the most overrated guitarist

Pete Townshend, a great songwriter, but I’m just not into his playing


15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?

I’ve seen youtube video of some of the most talented players out there so there is not a lot to ask but Blackmore is pretty reclusive, so probably talking him about those Egyptian sounding scales


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