Friday, August 30, 2019


1.What is the name of your band and how did you come up with it? What is your name and what do you do for the band?

Our band name is Down For Days. I came up with that name as it applies to several ways of thinking, which I like. Our original lead singer battled severe bouts of depression and would literally be ‘down for days’, or months. However, as an optimist, we all strive to be in daylight, not in the night, so to be ready, or ‘down for days’ is also a reference to wanting to be in a good frame of mind.

2.Tell us where you are based and describe the scene. How do you think where you are located influences your sound.

We are based out of Houston, Texas. There is a very large music scene here so we are blessed. There is ALWAYS somebody to go see. We are privileged to be able to see many pro shows come through, mix that with all of the local talent and then blend it all with our individual musical upbringings . . . that is a huge part of how our material turns out sounding like it does.                                                       

 3.Who influences your sound that would surprise people?

We draw inspiration from so many bands, not sure any would be a true surprise. But at our age, obviously Kiss, Rush & Led Zeppelin were obvious big influences on us growing up. But we find inspiration from all forms of music. Hell, I find inspiration just listening to my turn signal clicking if I’m stuck at a light long enough! 

4.Are you endorsed by musical companies , if so who , and if not who would you like to be endorsed by?

Paul Sandefur (drummer & main song writer) is endorsed by SledgePad.

5.When you started what was your ultimate goal? And how close to the goal are you now?

When I was young . . . world domination! lol  And I would say I failed miserably if that were actually the endgame. Today, my goal is just to be able to write meaningful music that I myself would consider quality. Music is a series of short emotional stories that are driven by audible notes and words. If I can move somebody using those senses, then I have done my job. 
6.In today's digital environment it takes creative strategy to keep things moving. What creative ideas do you have to keep your band relevant over time?

We are always battling to be ‘relevant’. Houston is such a big city with so many diverse and talented bands that it remains hard to remain relevant. I think our recordings are terrific but we must continue to evolve and improve with the show performance videos and social media postings. Today you’ve got to be able to reach people who aren't able to go to the shows.

7.We've all seen a terrible live band that is awesome on CD. Is that cool with you or do you lose respect for bands that cannot pull it off live?

I can enjoy a good recording, but there is no substitute for a live band that can just kick your ass right before your eyes. It’s awe inspiring. Of course we continue to strive to be a better live band, however we will not go into the studio and record something we can’t duplicate live.  I don’t write that way.
8.Tell us your “core” are you Metal , Rock , Punk , Pop etc because people just have to categorize these days you know?

Tough one. This band leans more on the rock, but there is also some metal influences and punk influences in our writing. I think that’s what makes music unique.

9.This is a tough question but a very real reality, Is your band actually talented or just popular? Many bands make it with a cliche or publicity stunts etc. Would you accept fame even if it was just because of being the “ in” thing or is it actually important to you that you gain favor with talent?

I would like to think that we are talented, but that really is all in the eye of the beholder. Those who have seen us live. I have nothing against bands who use things to get some recognition. You’ve got to get them to look at you, then hopefully keep them with your performances. Kiss was a huge influence on me as a kid. In the beginning I’m sure the costumes and stage antics is what caught my attention. But if that band, any band, did not have the talent to back whatever it was they are using to get noticed that band would not last very long.    
10.Tell us what to expect from you live. Nothing is more boring than watching bands stare at the floor and bob their heads to music nobody but the band knows. What can your band offer in a live setting that people will remember?

We offer you a raw invite into our creative minds. Nothing is choreographed. We play what we record, and we try to deliver a powerful performance every time, from the heart. Those that hear us for the first time will obviously not know our material, but if it’s a good song and delivered properly, unless you just hate rock & roll we should have a batters chance at getting your attention. And if we’ve got your attention, your listening ! ! !

11. What releases have you put out , When will we see something new?

We have two EP releases under our belts. Time Has Come and Lost In The Grey. We are very proud of both of those discs. Both are available on all music platforms. As a DIY band, it takes time to build up the funds for quality recordings. We will be back in the studio for another EP later this year.
12. If you have videos where can we see them?

We have very limited video available, but we are working on that. We do have some posted on our social media but it’s hard to turn down the studio in place of a proper video.

13.Everybody has Bandcamp , ReverbNation , Soundcloud , etc Why do you think this is so important? Doesn't it seem like everyone is giving everything out for free?
Yes, we are all basically giving away our music for free. But, that’s just how it works now. It is virtually impossible to get recognized by someone new if your material isn’t available in the first place. You've got to put it out there. Your hope is that the ones that run across your stuff, like your stuff, talk about your stuff and share your stuff for others to do the same.

14.Best moment of your career so far?

Musically, I’d say that it is when a complete stranger listens to our music and likes it enough to spend there hard earned money on it. That it touched them enough that they are wanting to take it with them so they can listen again. Sometimes you wonder what your doing with all of the hours, days and years that it takes to create these songs, so that makes you feel good, and helps motivate when you need it most. 
15.Your message to the fans?

Message? . . . Well, I am opinionated as they come, but I am also not the type to preach to the masses so I’m not willing to beg for anyones attention here. But what message I will say though is that through music, lives can be changed. Minds can be changed. Music has helped me through the roughest times of my life, as well as been there as I celebrated my highest peaks. It’s raw emotion. That connection that drives us emotionally. You don’t have to listen to my stuff . . . . but listen to somebody’s, it’s a piece of them.

Bonus Question who do you bring back

Oh man, there is no right answer here! lol All are true legends. And glad that we can all still appreciate their talents through their recordings. Long live rock and roll man ! ! !
Dime , Cliff , Dio , Lemmy , Randy

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