Tuesday, August 27, 2019


1.) Tell us in a few words why you think people should listen to you over the thousands of bands out there.

If you only have a few minutes to enjoy some music in your busy day, you probably want some quality heavy metal in your life. If you’re looking for high-energy metal with grooves that make your body move, melodies that make you feel sexy, and dynamics that take you on a journey through space, time and quantum mechanics - HYDRAFORM is what you need to escape reality.

2.) Name 3 bands you think your music is comparable to

Lamb of God, Tool, System of a Down

3.) Tell us about your latest release, how do you describe it and where can we purchase it?

Our latest release is titled Dark Adder was released in April 2016. We incorporated elements of Prog, Hard Rock and Metal with some classical piano interludes to give listeners both a full album experience as well as some banger singles to add to their “gym playlists.” With Dark Adder, our goal was to create an album accessible enough to engage new metal listeners and provide enough meat to satisfy experienced metal listeners. Dark Adder is available on all major streaming sites and you can grab a hard copy (with badass art) at any HYDRAFORM show.

4.) Do you have any videos and where can we see them? Do you think video’s are important any longer?

We have a Music Video for “Thrive” that you can find on YouTube. There’s also a ton of underground videos from fans that you can discover on YouTube as well. If you’re hunting for some unreleased songs, that’s where you’re gonna want to look. Videos are a powerful way to showcase the art and are hugely important to engage your fans! People are stoked when a polished music video is released, but little scrappy social media videos and/or live streaming is where you can really get to know the personality of the band, which is key to connecting with your audience.

5.) As a PR agent I am going to tell you forthright, it is expensive to make it in the music industry and it is unfair because a lot of great talent gets left behind. How far are you willing to go? How much are you willing to lose to climb this mountain?

We’re willing to sacrifice our time, money, livers, underwear, blood, sweat and tears for HYDRAFORM. When we first looked up at the metaphorical mountain of “making it” in the music business, we decided to start digging an expensive hole through the rock. We hope that the mountain is actually a volcano and when we reach the main vent, were launched into the atmosphere causing a massive environmental impact. We’re not going to stop digging until we find out what’s inside that mountain. Hopefully our giant mountain metaphor makes sense… if not, what can we say – we’re musicians. Maybe we’ll write a song about it soon…

6.) At one time you could believe that your music was enough, Your live show was enough. Now that you know the reality of the music business what would YOU change to make it more fair to the artist?

Change the business model to a democracy instead of a dictatorship. Get venues and promoters to work with performers as partners, not slaves. Pay your performers, they are driving your bar sales.

7) You’ve spent tons of money on gear, spent thousands of hours rehearsing and putting everything into your dream. What level of success will you consider “ making it”?

Our main goal and current definition of “making it” is to be able to pay our bills exclusively with HYDRAFORM. On a personal level - we believe that life is about the journey and there will always be another goal we strive to achieve, both as a band and on an individual level.

8.) Have you been on the road? Would you like to tour? And with who?

Yes, we’ve been on the road. We love touring and are actively working to tour more. We want to play with anyone who wants to share the stage with us. It would be awesome to go on the road with Gojira, Lamb of God, Mastodon, Periphery, etc..

9.) You get 5 members build your dream band and go.

Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain & Bradley Nowell performing as “The 27’s Club.”


10.) Who would you not throw under the bus for fame?

To “throw someone under the bus” is defined as betraying a friend or ally for selfish reasons. We aren’t seeking fame, we’re seeking self-actualization as a band. We’d throw ourselves in front of a bus to save one another from getting hit.

11.) Do you know about the business side of music? Do you think the business side or the entertainment side is more important?

We’re learning more every day on how to make our business better! There are so many great bands that don’t make it because their business isn’t under control. It’s a yin and yang situation.

12.) What is it about your live show that will make a person remember you?

It’s all about the energy! It’s a combination of tight (butthole) playing, performance and visual production. We try to let go of everything in the back of our minds and have fun on stage. The freedom from releasing inhibition and being vulnerable is want draws the audience in.

13.) Your girlfriend, Your family , Your friends are all going to lie to you and tell you that you are awesome, it’s just how the game works. So, who do you trust to tell you the truth?

Either our closest musician friends who we trust to give valid feedback OR complete strangers on the internet (people who think we suck… hah).

14.) What constitutes kicking a member out of a band?

If their musical contribution doesn’t vibe with the rest of the band. As far as what would constitute kicking someone out of HYDRAFORM, we’ll let you know when we figure it out.

15.) How do you feel about political beliefs inside the band? What if one of your members wanted to wear a pro trump shirt live?

We all come from different backgrounds, however our thoughts about most issues are on a similar wavelength. There are a lot of political issues that our opinions vary on, but we talk it out and learn from each other so we can all get a better perspective. The major issue with politics is that people from different sides of the isle aren’t willing to have a conversion. It’s always better to talk it out. If someone wanted to wear a MAGA hat, we’d probably build a wall around them or satirically tear them off their pedestal in some way. We’d come up with something funny for sure…

16.) There are a number of bands and artist out there who are gay or lgbtq. Would you support one of your members changing gender?

If you have an issue with someone because of their sexuality, we have an issue with you. If you’re transgender, just tell us your pronouns. We apologize in advance for most likely fucking them up the first couple times as we get to know you better. HYDRAFORM’s individual band member pronouns are “he,” “his” and “him.”

17.) Many people consider metal music and metal fans to be racist. Share your opinions, including would you allow racism in your band if the member was talented enough?

We would never allow a racist person to be part of our band. If someone with racist beliefs comes to a HYDRAFORM show, they’re welcome to be a part of it as long as their actions aren’t having a negative effect on anyone else. We hope that if a racist person listens to our music, we might be able to help shift their beliefs towards acceptance of others.

18.) I am pushing boundaries for a reason; rock n roll is rebellion sex and drugs but things have changed will you stay true to yourself even if it means leaving the band and giving up your dreams?

There is a degree of compromise that comes with any collaboration of humans. There is also an evolution that comes with time. The most important thing to us is that we stay true to each other. The band will grow, shift and change. The future is undefined, but as long as we are honest with each other, we will find our way.

19,) Let's lighten up, If you could get on stage with any band who would it be?

System of a Down for sure! We do a live cover of Needles, maybe they’re let us perform it with them...

20.) I want you to say something you know will be controversial that you are willing to stand up for.

Why do we need to be controversial? We believe that everyone should do whatever they’re driven to do as long as it doesn’t have a negative impact on anyone else. Whether it’s what you decide to do or put in your body. or how you live your life - we won’t judge you. We want people to find meaning in HYDRAFORM and the music we create. If you listen carefully, you’ll find out about what we believe. Hopefully you don’t agree with us at points, have your own perspective on it.

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