Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hi, we’re Achterontia Styx. The Grinder digs deep.......

1.Introduce yourself and your band and tell us why we should listen to you.
Hi, we’re Achterontia Styx. We want to get back to the basics of brutal metal, good old fashioned head banging groove without the tech-fuckery.

2.What do you classify your sound as, Who do you tell people you sound like?

Dinenthal: I’m not keen on the whole ‘pigeon hole’ categorisations that go on in modern metal, I guess you could just say Death Metal with some Black Metal influences. We generally don’t say that we sound like anyone in particular, but we’ve heard others say they hear Fear Factory, Deicide and Mayhem in our sound.

3.With digital music in today's world would you vote to keep or eliminate physical media?

Dinenthal: Definitely keep. Not keen on CD’s, but I admit to being a bit of a vinyl collector.

Ron : Yeah same I think, streaming is a double edged sword, its easier to get your music out there, but it's kinda left the market saturated.

4.What is the reason you decided to be a musician and has that reason paid off?

Dinenthal: I’ve played the guitar for a long time, and I have a creative side that I need to get out. Even without any of the recent success, I’ve always been proud to be able to pick up a guitar and have a sing with friends around a BBQ etc..

Ron: I'd love to be able to say something profound, but i'm a bassist, I barely qualify as being a musician. Chicks and drugs man….chicks and drugs.

5.How do you feel about females in metal getting special attention? Do you feel it is fair?

Dinenthal: I respect any person, regardless of gender for getting up on stage and rocking out, I’d stand shoulder to shoulder with metal brothers and sisters all day long!

Ron: Totally, once upon a time women in metal were only viewed as objects. Our teens were dominated by fierce women with really talent. Women like Tarrie B and Sean Yseult, Skin Kittie, the list goes on, just tearing it up. Even going back to Girlschool, Fleetwod Mac, Heart. The girls aren't the problem, the people who give them special attention still see women as objects. They're the fucking problem.

6.In the world climate with hatred being at an all time high and metal being an “ angry” music
   Do you think your music contributes to anger and hatred?

Dinenthal: Absolute bullshit! Media always feels like it has to blame something and metal always seems to be the scapegoat. How many people who have been fans of that abysmal aural heresy that is “new monkey” have killed and it never gets a mention. I’ve listened to the likes of Darkthrone and Mayhem since the early 90’s. I am neither/or would ever be right-wing, nor have a burnt a church.

7.Are you opposed to religious beliefs or politics being used in music?

Dinenthal: Freedom of speech. At the end of the day, lyrics are an art form. If they offend, go and listen to Celine Dion.
Ron : You write about what you're passionate about at the end of the day. People have been writing songs about religion since we as a species 1st climbed out of the trees and put on pants. Write about whatever the hell makes you happy

8.We have dive into some pretty deep issues here do you think your music sends a message and if so what is it?

Dinenthal: I don’t think we’re aiming to send a message really. I guess people will read what they want from the lyrics. Seriously, they are an outlet for our own demons!
Ron : I do most of the lyrics, there aint any overall message lyrically to what I write. I find inspiration in the wierdest places. When our album releases at the end of the year, theres a good few tracks when when I tell people what they're about, they'll get a real shock.

9.The market has changed and many bands believe that record labels are a thing of the past, with many labels now charging bands to “sign” how do you think a band can make it in todays scene?

Dinenthal: I’d never ‘sign’ with any label that charges me for my art. It’s one of the reasons that I think record labels will die out. Seriously? charging to sign is an insult to be honest. I’d stay independent all day long, then I can forge my own path without paying someone to tell me what to do.
Ron : Music itself is an entirely different landscape, the old ways of doing things have died.
I remember rumours about Marilyn Manson lowering cages of puppies into his audience to kill and mad shit like that when I was younger. You can't build on infamy anymore because everyone in videoing everything all the time. The segregation in metal makes it difficult too. Sub genre after sub genre after sub genre. “Oh I don't like that music because its not “Power Death Grunge Post Funk”……come on man really

10.Why with the thousands of options including netflix , sporting events everything on demand
     Why do you think people should take the time to listen to what you have to say in your music?

Dinenthal: To put simply, if this doesn’t get you grooving, I don’t know what will. Get it on, turn it up and rock the fuck out to Acherontia Styx!

11.How do you feel about pay to play? Do you think it is fair for a band to have to pay money to play?

Ron: I ran a live music venue for 10 years, I think pay to play is the most deplorable concept I can think of from an artistic  persective. I'd pay my covers bands their going rate. Originsls bands would take all the door money, and I’d give them a cut of the bar profit too. Bands are putting putting drinkers in my bar, making the place vibrate every night. Everyone knows gigs are where the bands make their money to do the stuff they need to pay for. Making them pay you, you're destroying music, not piracy, not streaming, just you.

12.It is fact that you are the talent and the entertainment explain what you think is the most important key to success?

Dinenthal: Boils down to luck in my humble opinion, right place at the right time.
Ron: I think in this day and age, digital media etc etc, as long as you keep releasing you're audience will grow in a way. You have access to the world now, it used to be you had to break new audiences in different countries. Being heard will happen with time but we've talked about record companies charging, pay to play. Playing music already costs a lot! Getting to the right place at the right time is more difficult than ever
13.In country music and even in some cases rock music is written and performed by different people would your band perform a song written by someone else?

Dinenthal: We would do covers for sure. But to have someone write a song for us…hmm not sure on that one.
Ron : It's not a bad thing I suppose. There are hugely talented composers out there that can't play live, and a lot of talented players players out there that can't write and all sorts of greys in-between. A classical music piece isn't played solely by a composer, or an opera and they are true musical art.

14.If you are pro female in music are you pro using sex to sell your music?

Dinenthal: Again, it’s freedom of speech. As long as no laws are broken and no one is hurt or injured…
Ron: I'll quite happily get naked on stage, I’ve done it before, a lot. I'm no Pete Steele, it's really not pretty. I'm not sure if that would sell especially now.
Pop music videos are basically just porn now anyway, so the odd boob or scrotum in metal isn't gonna harm anyone.

15.What is your view on the lawsuits against people saying lewd or unprofessional things to women or men and how does that affect an art described as sex drugs and rock n roll ?

Dinenthal: There have been cases in the past where people have behaved unprofessionally, I think that times have changed for the better. I don’t think that behaving in a better way affects the music one iota.
Ron: I 'm probably best shutting up here as lewd and unprofessional are on my CV.

16. Ok lets lighten up a bit. What is your favorite band of all time and why?

Dinenthal: Of all time… that’s a real tough one. Can I have more dark questions? I’d have to say that it’s not a metal band actually, but a band that I’ve admired all of my life. Pink Floyd.
Ron: My musical taste is so mood driven I hate this question. Led Zep I think, or AC DC. I'm such a fan of both I can't separate past that. I got Houses Of The Holy and Powerage on the same day in a 2nd hand record shop one day and since then its been spiritual

17.What would you be doing if you were not in a band?

Dinenthal: Playing as a solo artist.
Ron: Probably playing in a pub band playing Mustang Sally twice a week for the rest of my life.

18. Do you have a favorite sports team?

Dinenthal: Newcastle Falcons Rugby Team
Ron : I follow Glasgow Warriors too

19.If you could get on stage with anyone dead or alive who would it be?

Dinenthal: David Gilmour. Absolute legendary guitarist and a legendary bloke.
Ron: Frank Zappa,

20.This is your shot to let loose, Throw down your biggest complaint about the music biz

Dinenthal: I think the biggest issue with the current industry is the ‘disposable’ nature of today’s artists and music. It’s all about one single that is awesome for a month and then never heard again. Artists that appear for a couple of years and then disappear (thankfully) into the ether. In twenty years time, there’s not going to be many bands that you look at and think “fuck, those guys are on their 20th anniversary tour now and they still rock”. The industry focuses too much on this bullshit music so they can make a quick pound and then fuck off. The real artists and real bands, they want to charge for a record deal, and charge to play gigs. Total and utter shite in my opinion. I think it needs the current signed big acts to turn around and support the new talent trying to break through, even cross genre stuff. Music is our industry not some industry fat-cat’s property. Fight back, fight back for the new talent and then in doing so, save music for the future.

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