Thursday, May 23, 2019

We are Dylan Mathews & The Flips , Its true here is the interview

1.Introduce yourself and your band and tell us why we should listen to you.
We are Dylan Mathews & The Flips.....if you like rock and roll......we are rock and roll....take a listen

2.What do you classify your sound as, Who do you tell people you sound like?
Mutt rock is the classification....we sound like us with the last 4 decades mixed together....hence "mutt rock" ....we are told we sound similar to a band playing music.

3.With digital music in today's world would you vote to keep or eliminate physical media?
I vote to keep what people will purchase to listen to the music!

4.What is the reason you decided to be a musician and has that reason paid off?
We are people that love music.....It pays us off every night we play.....that does not normally include

5.How do you feel about females in metal getting special attention? Do you feel it is fair?
I didn't realize they were getting special attention..

6.In the world climate with hatred being at an all time high and metal being an “ angry” music
Do you think your music contributes to anger and hatred?
No..... according to a recent study metal is actually soothing.

7.Are you opposed to religious beliefs or politics being used in music?
I say what I feel at the time....if that involves the current state of affairs be it

8.We have dive into some pretty deep issues here do you think your music sends a message and if so what is it?
Yes ....remain positive as much as you can.

9.The market has changed and many bands believe that record labels are a thing of the past, with many labels now charging bands to “sign” how do you think a band can make it in todays scene?
Todays bands do not have a chance on what we know as a traditional record isn't a change if it is standard now......We will never pay to be on a label.....fuck those guys....the way to "make" it on todays scene is to promote the shit out of yourselves.

10.Why with the thousands of options including netflix , sporting events everything on demand
Why do you think people should take the time to listen to what you have to say in your music?
People should take the time to expand their minds through music and enjoy themselves while doing it!

11.How do you feel about pay to play? Do you think it is fair for a band to have to pay money to play?
I feel like it is a promoters lazy ass way of getting paid.....fuck those guys....since when did the bands who provide the music entertaiment and people to drink at your bar become responsible for all of it....promoters don't do shit any more....they rely on bands bringing people in so they (the promoter fucks) don't have to do shit except for making a post on face book.....I wish I could tag some of those bastards in this.

12.It is fact that you are the talent and the entertainment explain what you think is the most important key to success?
Success is subjective.....we are successful in getting across our message and music every time we play.

13.In country music and even in some cases rock music is written and performed by different people would your band perform a song written by someone else?
Yes as long as Lemmy wrote it!

14.If you are pro female in music are you pro using sex to sell your music?
I am not a female and if I was I would be.

15.What is your view on the lawsuits against people saying lewd or unprofessional things to women or men and how does that affect an art described as sex drugs and rock n roll ?
People are sue crazy. Elvis was considered lewd at the time. I don't think it has any affect on the art.

16. Ok lets lighten up a bit. What is your favorite band of all time and why?
Pink Floyd....because Gilmoure is god!

17.What would you be doing if you were not in a band?
Selling drugs.

18. Do you have a favorite sports team?
Rocky Balboa

19.If you could get on stage with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
Bon Jovi<<<<joke...... Hendrix for Dylan for sure

20.This is your shot to let loose, Throw down your biggest complaint about the music biz
Artists don't get paid! * try being a PR guy *moose


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