Tuesday, April 9, 2019


1.What is the name of your band and how did you come up with it?
What is your name and what do you do for the band?
Hi, my name is Oscar, guitar and vocals in Dormanth. We decided to call like this because a simple name could be similar to other bands and we put the “H”

2.Tell us where you are based and describe the scene. How do you think where you are located influences your sound. 

We are from the north and when we started the truth there was nobody in the country that used this sound. We were influenced by the sound of the 90´s nordic death along with the melodies that were used in the Doom.
Currently the sound that most bands use is a little different.

3.Who influences your sound that would surprise people?
Our sound has not changed much and certainly there are not many bands that use it. The people who know us for a long time do not surprise them but yes to those who do not know us yet.

4.Are you endorsed by musical companies , if so who , and if not who would you like to be endorsed by?
Yes, I'm a Clandestine Guitars endorser but I use other guitars live too.
I love guitars and currently to play live I use a Gibson Explorer.
If a brand wants to use their guitars, it's easy ...

5.When you started what was your ultimate goal? And how close to the goal are you now?
When we started, I think we all think about recording and playing to be recognized.
When time goes by you value other things but I do not deny that the goal is the same

6.In today's digital environment it takes creative strategy to keep things moving. What creative ideas do you have to keep your band relevant over time?

Currently the digital world is very large and complex. I think it's not made for underground bands, I may be wrong but that's the feeling I have. We grew up in another environment and our adaptation may not be as easy or as integral as the current industry requires.
We are adapting as we can.

7.We've all seen a terrible live band that is awesome on CD. Is that cool with you or do you lose respect for bands that cannot pull it off live?
Good question.
For us the natural thing was to go out and touch and leave our skin, it was the only way to make ourselves known.
Currently there are too many groups that resort to pre-recorded and such things, with large studio productions that are very difficult to defend in concert
They have to carry too many devices and technology to play ... we are faithful to what we have always done. We like to be honest with people

8.Tell us your “core” are you Metal , Rock , Punk , Pop etc because people just have to categorize these days you know?
Always metal ... with a small punk attitude but always metal

9.This is a tough question but a very real reality, Is your band actually talented or just popular?
Many bands make it with a cliche or publicity stunts etc. Would you accept fame even if it was just because of being the “ in” thing or is it actually important to you that you gain favor with talent?
Dormanth is not popular ... almost she will have to be talented hahaha.
Every day we see that talent does not mean success, and vice versa.
Better success than talent, that means that even if you are not talented something you did well and that not everyone knows how to do it

10.Tell us what to expect from you live. Nothing is more boring than watching bands stare at the floor and bob their heads to music nobody but the band knows. What can your band offer in a live setting that people will remember?
People when they see a live band want to be part of the show.
You have to make them feel that they are with you on stage and that you are with them down there, otherwise better stay at home

11. What releases have you put out , When will we see something new?
"Abyss" will be Dormanth's sixth studio work and will be released in May through Base Record Production

12. If you have videos where can we see them?
All in youtube, in our channel and in our Facebook page

13.Everybody has Bandcamp , ReverbNation , Soundcloud , etc
Why do you think this is so important? Doesn't it seem like everyone is giving everything out for free?
Yes, right now the industry is focused more on taking income from merchandising and concert tickets. Music is a means, not the product.
You make music to sell shirts, hats, bags, mugs ... whatever, and that people attend your concerts.
The number of physical sales will never be as high as it was in years where there was not so much merchandising

14.Best moment of your career so far?
It's always the one that's still to come

15.Your message to the fans?
Feel the music

Bonus Question who do you bring back

Dime , Cliff , Dio , Lemmy , Randy

Ufff…. Hard choise
Let's leave things as they are


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