Saturday, January 19, 2019


I finally decided to well use my own blog to get some much needed explanation out there. I have this crazy habit of now hold on this is shocking............ telling people how I feel. I know absolute INSANITY huh? Real quick before I go any further there will be typing errors for you grammar Nazi's who have nothing better to do than make themselves feel superior by pointing out type o's , Deal with it if I wanted an editor I would hire one.
So lets go back a few years shall we, Now before we continue there are gong to be truths here that you probably do NOT want to hear and well as usual after one of my famous rants there will be calls for my head.
Its all good I am used to it.
I live in Oklahoma City , Oklahoma
not exactly the epicenter of heavy metal glory I mean not exactly the hub of Moose traffic either, Get the irony?
And a few things about me that are not well known. I loathe attention in high school I did everything I could to get attention and when I rocked the stages of the OKC circuit with my band Dead River I mean whatever I needed to do to get attention I would do it. I played in a dress and spat blood while singing green acres when I was in the short lived band called the Smoothies when opening for Blank 77 in Norman . I mean when you ask the people I went to school with and ho knew me from the bands I was in yes I was all about attention but fact is I am and always have been an absolute introvert. 
And I found out in reality as much as I wanted to be a musician really showman was my strength. 
We will skip to the part in 2014 when I created The Metal Moose
which by the way was my wife's idea. I had all but given up on radio even after earning my broadcasting degree I had succumbed to just be a regular Joe not a rock star or a radio star. But with the suggestion of my wife who knew I was looking for an outlet she suggested doing radio. I guess I should mention that I had done radio terrestrial and internet and had a long run on net radio with Dirt Talk. Good luck finding those old shows..... Ok so Metal Moose
This was my chance to really do something in the music scene in OKC the big boy rock FM station couldnt give 2 squirts about any bands playing the clubs trust me I knew ths because local talent did not make for $$$$$$ well unless you are a promoter *cough*cough......
I could play bands music for a worldwide audience for FREE!! This is a roadmap to greatness I would be the hero a God of metal the savior of the scene!! The Mooseman!!!
When I started I could not get ANYONE to pay attention there it is that pesky word again fact is I was not looking for personal attention I was looking to gain attention for the bands but in order to do that I had to gain attention to The Metal Moose but nobody gave a damn.
I recreated the Moose several times from Cheetos to Bacon to Tacos you name it I tried every stunt I could imagine to bring attention I even held Moosefest a bunch of them in OKC and Tulsa Oklahoma and to this day I stand by playing more Oklahoma bands on the air for the first time than everybody and brought them together LIVE!
Ive skipped so much stuff but I am trying to get to the point of this long winded article. lets share some Moose pics as we continue.
Once I started Moose I tried my very best to include the promoters the big ones and the new ones and I tried to tell them hey together we can do amazing things!! And I was on the way to dong things that had NEVER been done. This is when I found out that I and my new creation of the Moose was an issue. Ok great I cant get bands to send in music to play I cannot get anyone interested in what  am doing Good God man what is going on? I just did not understand here that I had stuck my hands in the cookie jar and I was NOT welcome.
You see the bands needed places to play and the places to play were owned by the promoters or the places to play were supplied bands by the promoters, This seems like a perfect combination right? The bands will get more fans if the promoters promoted my radio show and the radio show would promote the promoters concerts and bands for very little if NO MONEY unlike the big rock station who charged a ton of money to promote shows and NEVER played the bands who were putting on the concerts at the venues the promoters owned or booked so I am the perfect solution right? WRONG!
The big rock station had money coming in from the promoters and the local talent fueled the big names coming into town.
When the big names are asking big money the only way the promoters could pull this off was to dump a ton of money into advertising and ohhhhhhhhhh wait the promoters could sucker the local bands who have no place to play into selling tickets so the promoter could pay the big acts thats business right? Well until I found out that the bands were selling thousands of dollars in tickets and getting NOTHING in return.Ok not just that but the promoters told the bands where they can and cannot play when they can and cannot play AND if the bands went against the rules well guess what now they have nowhere to play. Basically the promoters had the bands blackballed.

Now I am mad! So what you are telling me is that the local bands will stay local unless they break out and defy the local promoters who own everything right? Stop for just one second think about YOUR scene how many bands have been playing the scene for years? And how many promoters have been lining their own pockets for years? This sounds really familiar all of a sudden huh?
So I spoke up
And look what popped up on social media. This is what happens when you speak up
Yeah really ! So the bands hate me the promoters hate me and well it seems like maybe someone might like to shoot me ( yep i still have the picture all the messages from all of you )
What about the public they for sure would be on my side right? If the people knew that the bands were getting screwed and the promoters were behind it all they would certainly be upset right?
I have made myself enemy #1 for trying to be the good guy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions they say.
Well Hell is a lonely place for a guy trying to break the rules and change how things are done.
I will continue this in sections for those interested....

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