Saturday, December 15, 2018


1.Thanks for your time. Tell us about your band and what you do for your band.  

- Wildcliffe is a rock band that originated on the east coast of the USA.  My name is Matt and I write the music and play guitar for Wildcliffe.

Amber-I’m on vocals and I write the lyrics. Wildcliffe is unique in that the music is diverse. We aren’t trying to be anything and the creativity is allowed to flow freely.

2.When did you decide you wanted to be in a band?  
- I decided I wanted to be in a band probably around the age of 10 but didn’t get my first guitar until the age of 13.  Listening to Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill as a child, I knew that music was the way of life for me.

Amber- I’ve been saying I wanted to sing since I could talk-it has always been something I wanted-my dream

3. What is different about being a musician than you imagined?

-Well, I thought I would learn to play, write awesome songs, and the rest would just fall into place.  Soon I would be on everybody’s tv and i’d be hanging out with celebrities drinking fancy champagne and cruising through life with not a care in the world.  It doesn’t really happen that way I figured out.

Amber-I never really imagined what it would be like. I just had a desire to express myself-i thought I would never get the chance but one day I woke up and started believing in myself.

4.What gear do you use and why?  

-I have my tried and true Schecter C1 Classic guitar that has been with me for 10 years now.  I love that guitar.  It sounds great, stays in tune pretty well, and looks beautiful.  I have used it in the studio and live for nearly every opportunity I have had since I got it.  I also have a Laney Ironheart amp and Mesa Boogie cabinet that sound awesome together.  I like to have a sound that is not the same as all the other rock and metal players and I feel like I am able to craft that tone with this amp.

Amber: I use the Sennheiser e935 its an amazing mic for live rock vocals

5. What music do you listen to that would surprise people?

- I love The Offspring and Weezer and 90’s alternative.  But, I also get down with a lot of rock ballads from the 80’s and some sappy love songs.

Amber:  Rock is my thing but . I love Tori Amos-she is  my all time favorite -she is an amazing composer. I also have been known to enjoy some indie  folky/americana artists like Chris Pureka! Amazing lyricist and writer.

6. How do we find your music and merch to buy?
-You can find Wildcliffe on Itunes, Amazon, YouTube, or Spotify.  We also have a facebook page,  As far as merch goes, we currently have a small inventory of tshirts that you can get from our etsy shop.  You can find a link to it on our facebook page.

7. How did you get a record deal? Or do you want a record deal or are you DIY? -Good question.  We are not signed to a label and would only do so if it was actually going to benefit us in the long run. There are a lot of bad deals going around these days and we aren’t going to sign with someone just for the sake of being able to brag about it.  Having some help reaching a wider audience is always good though.  So its definitely not off the table, it would just have to make sense.

8. What bands do people compare your music to?  -Well, for some reason our singer Amber often gets compared to Geddy Lee of Rush.  Lol, I have no idea why.  I don’t hear it.  I have also heard that we sound like Coheed and Cambria.  Honestly i’m not sure of a band that we are really that similar too. Any comparisons are well received though.

9. Are you pro Spotify / streaming services ? Or do you think it hurts sales?  I am pro streaming.  We are artists for the art.  The more people that can hear us the better.  Most artists I feel, are trying to move people with their art.  Most people probably won’t give two shits about your music.  But, there will be some that really love it.  To find those people you need to get your music in the hands of as many people as possible.

10. What’s the ultimate goal for the band?  -To be able to write and record as much great music as possible and to be able to connect with people.

11. Will we see you tour?  -Honestly, I don’t know.  You will see us for sure if you are willing to come find us.  We will be performing live somewhere.

12. Who would you love to tour with?  -Alter Bridge, Papa Roach, Avatar.  Preferably a band that doesn’t party too hard because we quit drinking, lol.

13.What is your favorite song of yours and why?  -My favorite recording of ours is Shelf Life.  It just has a certain vibe and feel to it that sits right in my happy place.

14. Why should people take the time to listen to your band over the thousands of other bands?  -I feel that we offer something unique and something that has a message.  Also I don’t think it will bore most people or cause them to find something else while listening.  We are heavy enough to hold the attention of the metal heads but the clean vocals and beautiful melodies will also please the basic rock listener.

15.What are your favorite music websites labels podcast etc?  I enjoy reading MetalSucks and Metal Injection.  I also read Guitar World magazine.  We are also big fans of Rock Rage Radio and a few other internet radio stations.

16. Is imagery important to you? Do you judge albums by the cover?  Yes, imagery is important. Everything from the cd artwork to the stage set and the press photos is important in painting the picture of what the music is supposed to be.  I enjoy seeing a band much more when they put effort into this.  But no, I do not judge music by an album cover.

17.If you could choose a cover song your band mates would hate what would it be?  Probably a Bon Jovi song, lol.

18.Is the record or live show more important? Well I suppose the record is.  But giving 100 percent at the live show is a must.  This is the time to connect with the audience and give them goosebumps.  They will purchase your music if you kick ass live.

19. Name 3 people dead or alive you would want to play your music for.  -My step Dad.  My grandma and grandpa.

20. Lemmy Ozzy Dio and Rob Halford in a cage match who wins?  -Ozzy.  I think because he is so out of his mind he would fight dirty and do anything not to die.

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