Monday, December 7, 2020


1.Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for.

Hello my name is Christian Justus (CJ) and I sing for Palenium

2.What / Who made you want to sing?

When I started Palenium, I brought all of the material into the band and really just by default and having written the material I became the singer. Also nobody else in the band was coming forward to sing lead at the time.

3.Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

Geoff Tate of Queenryche.

4.Many people say heavy music is just screaming, How would you combat that statement?

It is the way of the world it seems, but every form of music has a stigma attached to it, especially hard rock and metal that IT IS all just loud, screaming, indiscernible noise, when in fact this couldn’t be farther from the truth. I would encourage people who share this sentiment to thoroughly research bands before immediately discounting them as something that they do not like. There are so many different subcategories of hard rock and metal now, that I believe that there is something out there for everyone, they just need to simply look.

5. If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

I am a clean singer, no growling.

6. Do you have a warm up routine? Tell u bout it ?

It varies. I know that I should warm up before each time that I sing but I don’t always do this.

Once in awhile I will try to sing some warm up scales or a song that is stuck in my head before actually singing with Palenium. I do plan to start a more stringent regimen once we start playing live shows in 2021.

7. Do you think power or performance is more important?

Performance I believe wins out over power most of the time because that’s what people are going to remember first and foremost about you. Also, if you are performing well and at your peak level, no doubt the power will be there if you need to draw on it.

8. Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit? Actually James Labrie of Dream Theater might be considered an over rated vocalist and could very well be the weakest link in Dream Theater. Tom Keifer formerly of Cinderella I believe does not get the credit he deserves. Most people only know him from his days with Cinderella and might only judge him by that, but as he has proved with his latest solo material he is a very versatile singer.

John Bush is uncredited though he’s a great vocalist. I don’t like to speak ill of anybody.

9.Name your top 5 vocalist

Geoff Tate

Ann Wilson

Miles Kennedy

Ronnie James Dio

Freddy Mercury

10. Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette? Just testing your skills here

I will say Michael Buble because I have heard his name more than Jim Gallette?

Honestly, I do not know much about either singer.

11.Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?.

Probably a top contender would be The Bad Plus.

12. If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be?

Ozzy Osbourne. He has such a unique voice, it would be nice to hear it in its raw, unaltered form.


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