Monday, August 31, 2020

TATTOO U : Alli Chastain of The Violet Hour


1. First off thank you for taking the time to speak to the metal times.

please tell us your name and what you do for a living. 

Alli Chastain. Cellist, private music teacher, and full time Mom. 

2. So obviously this is an interview regarding tattoos, let's talk about your art and why it is important to you.

I knew from the time I was about 12 years old that I wanted tattoos.  It’s a look that I have always admired and a way I have always wanted to express myself. Most of my tattoos have special meanings to me, but some of them I chose just because I liked the design, and I think either way is the right way to choose body art! 

3. What made you want to get a tattoo? And how many people told you not to do it? And did it make you think twice?  My parents weren’t thrilled about the idea of tattoos when I was young. I actually got grounded once at age 17 for drawing an elaborate design on my left bicep with markers.  We all laugh about it now.  I know without a doubt they love and support me unconditionally. 

5. What was your first piece? how did you pick it out and was it done professionally(where) or underground? (where).  My very first tattoo was on my left ring finger.  My wedding ring.  I was 21 years old. It was done professionally by Eddie Smith who worked at Southtown Tattoo in Fort Smith, AR at the time. I believe he has a shop in Sapulpa, OK now.  People were concerned about what a bold move it was to get my wedding ring tattooed, but here I am more than 13 years later still married to and playing music with the love of my life, and now we have a beautiful 2 year old son. 

6.were you scared about the pain or the consequences more? I can honestly say I’ve never been scared of either. 

7. How has your art hurt or helped your career or has it hindered anything that made you wish you didn’t have it?  It has never hindered my career, not even when I worked in the legal field before becoming a mom.   It has always been a great conversation starter.  

8. Are you about a story with your pieces or are you just into cool art? In other words, does your skin tell a story.  Some of both.  I sometimes plan my art pieces with lots of intention, and I incorporate elements of life that are important to me.  But other times, I just pick a design because I like the way it looks.  My newest piece, created by Brittany Goff at Red Cloud Tattoo and Body Piercing in Conway, AR was created from three nouns I selected that represented my life:  coffee, library, and dancer.  It’s the piece pictured on my left ankle/shin area.  

9. Is any of it about extremity pain/pleasure or is it more expression.  I would say it is mostly about expression, but once you have sat through and survived a long tattoo session, it is admittedly  addictive.  My first really long session (more than 3 hours) was the cello piece on my left side, created by Dylan Glaze at Darklight Tattoo in Fort Smith, AR.  

10. Is there an end game? When do you think you will be finished.  I probably won’t be finished until I’m dead. 

11. What is your number one favorite tattoo and why? My most favorite tattoo is my piece on my right bicep that was designed by artist Crissie McBride at True Grit Tattoo.  The piece is for my son, Odin.


12. How do you feel about getting a partner’s name or initials? Is the curse real? I can’t comment on whether the curse is real.  I haven’t had my partner’s name or initials tattooed on me.  I don’t want to find out if the curse is real! 

13. Do you have and if so are you willing to admit you have a barbed wire band tat?

 I don’t have one of those! 

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