Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Vokills interview Willie - INGRAVES

Vokills interview Willie - INGRAVES

Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for

1. Hello my name is William and I'm vocalist for metal band INGRAVES.


 2.What / Who made you want to sing?
 It was actually the short straw I got that put me as the vocalist, I wanted to be a guitarist but the friends I hooked up with where better than me. So I tried my had at bassist but the same happened. The that little voice from the back of the room said "you can be the singer!". That's how it all went down.

Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

3. Probably Jonathan Davis of Korn and Corey Taylor of Slipknot. Watching them just do their thing on stage really hooked me into what I needed to do as a vocalist for a heavy band.

4. I let people have their opinions of heavy metal. Even to this day there are people that don't consider what we play to be music at all. But I believe the music we play is more than just sound, it's a feeling, an experience, a time in your life in which you can relate.

 If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

5. Usually after years of trail and error my voice has become accustomed to the harsher side of singing but even sometimes I can push myself to hard and loose my voice after a show. But definitely for me the more I practiced the better I got and the more I can control it. Definitely practice makes perfect.

Do you have a warm up routine? Tell u bout it ?

6. Warm up routines vary for me sometimes I would do a clean singing routine or scales or sometime a harsh vocal scale. It really does depend on what type of show it's going to be and how I'm feeling beforehand.

Do you think power or performance is more important?

7. I think both are important one without the other is a very empty product in my eyes. Power is great but if you don't relate that through performance no one truly feels it. If you perform but can't project your voice I feel the message in your music/songs can be missed. So I feel to find the balance in both is incredibly important, especially for the music we play.

    Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit?

8. To be fair there are a lot of singer's across a lot of genres that this is true with. It just goes to show that talent isn't always needed but the right level of production, promotion and publicly can make you a star. Underrated vocalist for me would be Spencer of Periphery his range and power is phenomenal.

Name your top 5 vocalist

9. Jonathan Davis
Fred Durst
Corey Taylor
Chester Bennington
Sam Carter

Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette? Just testing your skills here

10. Buble all the way!!
Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?.

11. I love all music from all genres. From GBX to Beyonce to Johnny Cash to Queen it's hard to pick one. I hate these people who are like 'metal is the only way' but only listen to the same three bands that aren't even touring anymore. All music is incredible just need to find what gets you off!

If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be?

12. T-Pain 100% think he may have invented autotune haha


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