Sunday, December 15, 2019

VOKILLS INTERVIEW / Laura Viglione Age of Fire

1.Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for

I’m Laura Viglione and I sing with Age of Fire

2.What / Who made you want to sing?


Sooo many things, early on my introduction to music was through musicals. I was drawn to the story told through the music. It wasn’t until near the end of high school I ever thought about singing in front of others and then on my first date with my husband he threw me up on a karaoke stage (after a few drinks) and I was hooked. I didn’t really know what I was capable of before that push.

3.Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

 Oh God. That’s so hard. The FIRST was Geddy Lee. Rush live is just a force of nature and he astounds me with how good he still sounds. Best vocals I’ve ever seen live? Chris Cornell. Hands down. I still weep just thinking of those performances and being so thankful I got that chance before we lost such talent.

4.Many people say heavy music is just screaming, How would you combat that statement?

 Not at all. Our music for example is heavy instrumentation with my more melodic vocals. And I can see how people could confuse belt with screaming but- no- there is so much dynamic to be played with in our genre and that’s the emotion I love to play with.

5.If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

I cannot growl to save my life! No I’m definitely a cleaner vocalist but still am reaching out to trainers to learn how to belt without hurting myself. It’s something to take seriously for longevities sake.

6. Do you have a warm up routine? Tell u bout it ?

I don’t have a specific routine right now but really want to nail one down - as I said before I’m hoping to work with a coach soon to help give me tools for longevity.

7. Do you think power or performance is more important? 

Ugh that’s hard because I’ll want to say performance but I also know for me that inextricably also means power. I think the important thing is the balance. One without the other will leave the audience wanting.

8. Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit?

I don’t get Arianna Grande. I’m sorry. She can do some flowery runs but it’s the same two or three with no power, emotion, or diversity. Saw her live and it was the most boring vocals and performance I have ever seen.
There are so many unsung and undersung vocalists. I know people give her credit for being a great performer but Pink is also an amazing vocalist. So.Much.Control. Claudio Sanchez from Coheed and Cambria- he has a ridiculous range that just soars over those beautiful guitar lines. He just nails it live too. 

9.Name your top 5 vocalist the top of my head...
Chris Cornell
Kelly Clarkson
Lzzy Hale
Ann and Nancy Wilson
Eddie Vedder

10.Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette?

 Just testing your skills here- isn’t there place in this world for both?! I mean the smooth Buble vibrato with some sweet Gillette screams?! Yes please.

11.Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?. 

I’m still a giant Broadway fiend. I love it. I love the cheese. But I think you can tell from most of these questions I have pretty diverse musical tastes. Give me it all!

12.If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be? 

Oh any of the pop princesses these days. Seriously expose them for the prancing models they are. Can we just do away with auto tune altogether?! Please? 


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