Thursday, December 12, 2019

VOKILLS INTERVIEW : Dam Kel / Death Plague

1.Please introduce yourself and tell us who you sing for

Dam Kel and I am the vocalist for the band Death Plague

2.What / Who made you want to sing?

I think through my entire life I have always looked at doing vocals as a way to 
Express who I am and the way I am and escape my mind. Not having one the best childhoods, I took All my hatred and anger towards everything and projected it as often as I could 
Vocally through songs. The main influence that taught me that it’s ok to possibly
Take it to that whole other level was stuff like the early punk style movement and the grunge era but as I got older more and more I feel into my own stride and had to get heavier and thrived on chaos and exposing people for the scum they are. I think that is what motivates me to keep pushing and using vocals as a tool.

3.Who was the first singer you saw live that gave you chills?

There is a lot of vocalists out there that are pretty much the same in a lot of ways. I think personally it would come down to satyr. The raw power and aggressive stance of the vocals is very strong and precise. 

4.Many people say heavy music is just screaming, How would you combat that statement?

Just screaming haha. Classic same old bullshit. If you think it is just screaming then you have had a life of being sheltered. Your vocabulary is absolutely rubbish and I feel sorry that you can’t understand what syllables are. One of the most insanely hard things to do is have the ability to break words up to make them fit but also add atmospheric and comprehensive words together while physically controlling you range. Give it a try. Might learn something.

5.If you growl or do harsh vocals how do you keep your voice after such violent performances?

I see vocalist with their water and their tricks of coating, but seriously, sometimes it’s ok and sometimes it’s bad, you just gotta ride it out basically. I find double quarters are a fantastic way to coat and ease of you really need too.

6. Do you have a warm up routine? Tell u bout it ?

Alcohol smokes. That’s all I need. Warms the chords just nicely. Apart from that just find that head space that makes you tick.

7. Do you think power or performance is more important?

Both, it goes hand in hand. It important to project what your vocally singing about. 

8. Who do you think gets unfair vocal praise, someone the world thinks is great but is not? / And who is great but does not get the credit?

Dani filth. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very structured but in a live setting it’s not the best. It actually sounds very out of sorts. 
I think Daniel rostén definitely should gain a lot more credit. Very very skilled.

9.Name your top 5 vocalist
Sigurd wongraven
Joseph Poole
Max cavalera
Nero bellum
Whitfield crane

10.Micheal Buble or Jim Gallette? Just testing your skills here

They both suck and can fuck right off. 

11.Who do you love to listen to that would surprise people?.

I’ve been known to listen and sing along with stuff like Silverchair and HIM and even melon head.

12.If you could remove the autotune from any singer who would it be?

Michael Buble for sure. The guy is just no talent I swear. Take that Auto tune off. Actually take all the auto tune off the instruments as well. Oh and that ed Sheeran wanker too. 

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