Tuesday, September 11, 2018


1.Thanks for your time. Tell us about your band and what you do for your band. 

Skrog is currently a solo act.  I am Skrog.  I have had other musicians hired on for the stage show in the past, but currently Skrog is a one-man-band.  I would eventually like to get a full backing band for Skrog's live show.  I write all of Skrog's music and perform all of the parts for recordings.

2. When did you decide you wanted to be in a band? 

Music has been a part of my family for several generations.  I started playing guitar seriously when I was about 14.  Metallica was my "gateway drug," if you will.  I guess it was around that time that I knew I had to record and perform music.

3. What is different about being a musician than you imagined? 

All of the different responsibilities that I need to do myself.  I just want to be an artist.  I want to write, record, perform, and hang out with fans and other musicians.  I don't want to have to worry about booking shows, setting up interviews, paying for advertising, finding my own endorsement deals, making my own websites, and on and on.  I always thought once I got a record deal, that's it.  Everything gets taken care of for me.  Boy, was I wrong!

4. What gear do you use and why? 

I currently use a custom made amplifier that the guy who engineered the Skrog album built for me.  It's a one of a kind, so there's no other amp with that tone on the planet.  So I have my own tone, which is awesome.  I have an MCS guitar, which is the best guitar I've ever owned or played on in my life.  Unfortunately, the company doesn't exist anymore, so I'll either move to BC Rich or ESP probably.  I use Awe-In-One picks.  Those picks are great.  I have a Line 6 wireless setup, a Boss NS-2, a Korg tuning pedal, a Steve Vai Bad Horsey wah pedal, and some Monster cables.  I use a Shure Beta 58A for my vocals and a couple of SM57s for the guitars.  I also use a rack system for backing tracks and effects.  The primary piece of gear in the rack is the Behringer X-32 and Sennheiser in-ear monitors. 

5. What music do you listen to that would surprise people? 

I love metal and industrial music.  Slayer, Pantera, Cannibal Corpse, Ministry, Front Line Assembly, and Nine Inch Nails are my favs.  As far as music that would surprise people goes, probably Billy Joel, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, and the Doors.

6. How do we find your music and merch to buy? 

You can go to the Skrog website - www.skrogband.com - for anything Skrog related including merch sales.

7. How did you get a record deal? Or do you want a record deal or are you DIY? 

This is a tricky question to answer.  The current (only) Skrog album is signed to a label.  It was originally called Goomba Records, but they changed the name or got bought out by Prudential Records.  Either way the label isn't doing shit for Skrog, so Skrog is completely a DIY band.  I'd love to work with a record label that will actually do something for Skrog on the next album.

8. What bands do people compare your music to? 

Ministry.  Always, always, always Ministry first and foremost, which is awesome.  I love that band.  Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Strapping Young Lad, Static-X, and Fear Factory are usually brought up as well.

9. Are you pro Spotify / streaming services? Or do you think it hurts sales? 

Y'know, I don't know the answer to these questions.  All I can say is Skrog is on all streaming services and I haven't seen a dime from it.  On the other hand, it's good that Skrog is accessible to everyone any time.  So I'll check this off on the "good" category.  It would be in the "best" category if I actually saw any money from these services.  

10. What’s the ultimate goal for the band? 

To work with a reputable record label who actively pushes Skrog and gives tour support, having a booking agent who isn't a shady piece of shit and actually books shows for Skrog (I had an agent who not only failed at his job, but outright lied to me about getting me on tour with Ministry), having a large solid fan base of support, and frequent touring.  Basically, I want to work.  I want to stay busy and have this be my professional career.

11. Will we see you tour? 

Yep!  I'm actively booking a tour right now for Skrog.  I'll be on the road from October to December of this year (2018).  I'm trying to hit as many cities and states as I can, so if you want to see Skrog you'll be able to.

12. Who would you love to tour with? 

Ministry and Slayer.  There are tons of other bands, but those two are at the top of the list.

13. What is your favorite song of yours and why? 

Honestly, The Hunter and The Hunted.  Technically they're two separate songs, but one leads right into the other and they're meant to be listened to back to back.  The main riff from The Hunted is something I came up with back in 1998, so it's been burning in my mind for 20 years.  I also love the Metroid game franchise, and both of those songs are based on that game series. 

14. Why should people take the time to listen to your band over the thousands of other bands? 

Well, I don't think industrial metal is very popular right now.  It's hard to find good industrial metal bands to listen to and go to concerts for.  Skrog is very different than most bands I've seen and heard over the past few years.  If someone is looking for a good, solid industrial metal band to get into, Skrog is that band.

15. What are your favorite music websites, labels, podcasts, etc.? 

YouTube is probably the music website I use the most these days.  I can find anything on YouTube from music videos to podcasts.  As far as labels go, I like several.  Century Media immediately comes to mind for Skrog.  Honestly, I'll work with any label as long as they actually support and push Skrog.

16. Is imagery important to you? Do you judge albums by the cover? 

Imagery is very important.  They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but I'm pretty sure Marvel and DC comics would vehemently disagree with that sentiment, as do I.  I enjoy seeing a band that takes the time to make their stage performances a show.  Look the part.  Act the part.  Make a statement for your fans and give your band an identity that is very recognizable and original.

17. If you could choose a cover song your band mates would hate what would it be? 

Since I'm the only guy in the band it would have to be a song from a band I hate.  I think the number one band I hate more than any other would be the Grateful Dead, so any song by them would be the one.

18. Is the record or live show more important? 

One leans very heavily upon the other.  I don't think a musician can split the two.  You have to have recorded music for people to hear and you have to promote that music.  People don't hear your music unless you bring it straight to them these days.  People want to be impressed.  They want to be moved.  Both records and live shows can achieve that.  It depends on the band and it depends on the fans.

19. Name 3 people dead or alive you would want to play your music for. 

Al Jourgensen, Marilyn Manson, and Trent Reznor.

20. Lemmy, Ozzy, Dio, and Rob Halford in a cage match - who wins? 

Ozzy, because Sharon would jump in that cage and bust everyone up.

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